Chapter 13

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||A/N: Let me thank you guys for reading my fanfic! I never could've imagined that there would actually be people out there willing to read my stuff.||


"Naruto didn't come back last night either?" I hear Tazuna ask the pink banshee as I make my way down for breakfast. I kinda overslept, to be honest. Kakashi must've woken up much earlier than me judging by the lack of warmth on his side of the bed. I don't know where he is. Could've at least left a note or something, that jerk. How am I supposed to change my bandages now? I mean, I guess the wounds have healed up pretty well considering how severe they had been, so it'll probably be fine.

"He's such an idiot. He's been out every night climbing trees." Sakura mumbles sleepily, then adds, "He might be dead out there somewhere from overusing his chakra."

"I wonder if Naruto-kun is alright. To think a child is out there in the middle of the night," Tsunami-san says with concern in her voice.

"Ma~ No need to worry. This is Naruto we're talking about. While it may not always look like it, he's still a full-fledged Genin," Kakashi assures her. My head immediately turns towards where I heard his voice come from. How come I didn't notice him? Or did he just shunshin there while I was still lost in my thoughts? He looks my way and gives me a wave with his hand, smiling as he does so. I walk over to him and mumble a quiet "'Morning" which he returns, followed by one of his annoying head rubs. Why do I even bother doing my hair these days? Sigh.

"I wonder. That Usuratonkatchi is probably completely pooped out right now," Sasuke says and gets up from his seat to leave.

"Sasuke-kun?" Sakura utters confused.

"I'm going for a walk," the Uchiha says before leaving the house. He may not show or say it openly, but Sasuke does actually tolerate, if not, even accept the annoying blonde to some extent. They are definitely rivals, that's for sure.

"But what about breakfast?" She mumbles, not understanding why the duckbutt would want to leave now, only to look at the boy's plate. It's empty. This is almost Kakashi-level eating-speed right there! And that means something considering that the silverette practically teleports his food into his stomach without anybody noticing when and how. It's like one of those magic tricks you see being performed on those shows in circuses or amusement parks, I tell you. One second his ramen bowl is full, you blink, and it's completely empty. He simply pulls a Houdini and makes it disappear. How he manages to inhale his food without burning himself, I'll never understand.

With a shrug, I go and sit down at the table with Kakashi following right beside me. As always, Tsunami has outdone herself with the breakfast. I love her grilled salmon. And no, this has nothing to do with me being part cat. I have always enjoyed eating fish, even back on Earth. Unfortunately, I haven't had much opportunity to get my hands on any form of seafood ever since I've come here. That shit is expensive I tell you, nothing that an orphan like myself could afford to buy. So with fish for breakfast, you bet your sweet ass Imma dig in and eat as much as I can! Well, maybe I should do so with a little less enthusiasm. The others are looking at me weirdly as I inhale my meal within less than five minutes. Kakashi seems to have noticed my love for the fish, so he sneakily put his own on my plate when he thought I wasn't paying attention. He's just adorable.

We quickly finish breakfast and then Kakashi, Sakura, and I leave to go look for the other two members of our team. In the forest. Because where else could they possibly learn to climb trees. Have I ever mentioned that I have a minor dislike for forests? Well, now I have. And it has nothing to do with any childhood trauma or whatever. I'm just really fucking bad with directions. Not yet quite Zoro levels of bad, but still worse than any normal human being. And so here we are walking through the forest minding our business when out of nowhere a shuriken lands in front of our feet. We all look up into the trees, only to find one smug-looking blonde lying on a branch.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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