PArt 1: Family <33

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Woah what was this magnificent Figure standing right in front of him .. o it was his Sistah Shrecky she had Pink gorgeous Hair and every Dog and animal Loved her Shreck closed his eyes and dreamed of her beautiful green Naked Body then thought she had Bundah and he wanted to slap it so hard she would shit into his mouth then Shreck will Shit to and Shrecksy would lick him clean 
'mpHHhHhp' was all Shreck could say say at the
thought ....
Shrexy's  P.O.V :
I was busy Riding on Pony From peppa he didn't make me Feel as good as Shreck tho .. Ugh I just had to fake it till I make it he Was finally Done And he gave me a peck on the lips and I made my way Home ...., She thought of Shrecks Big Sexy juicy valomcious wubbly dumbly Fubbly Member and her sweating while she Shat in his mouth .. she went to a bush And started doing <><><><><><><<<><<
After she was done She was a sweating Cow looking pig ass And quickly ran Home to find the most dubbly wubbly smexy Shrecksy Suprise on the Table

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