Chapter 1

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All I heard was the storm booming and crashing outside. I had no idea what was going on, but all I knew was I was alone in this world.

I opened my eyes the following day as I heard my mom call for me. "Jay get up; it's time for school," she said. Ugh, do I have to go? I don't want to go the kids will make fun of me again.

I just got up and put on my uniform since mom wanted the best for me ever since dad left us, and she got most of the money, so she sent me to a private school even though I hated it.

I walked out of my room, which was too big for me I didn't need all this space as I went into the kitchen and saw my mother; even though I looked nothing like her, I looked more like my father even though I didn't see him that often only once in a while when he calls me and tells me, he wants to see me. "Morning, mom," I said, "morning Jay, are you ready for school," she asked, "yes, mom," I said.

I barely ate anything; that's why I look so pale like a ghost usually; my mother makes me eat it. I don't like to half the time.

I got in the car and just waited for the ride to be over and get to horrible school.

I got out of the car as I heard my mom behind me say, have a good day, but I wasn't listening like usual I don't even know why I go to school when I'm mostly failing; that's all I do in life is fall.

I went into the school as I went to my locker. Still, I saw Krissy and her little girl group of bullies that bullied me every day "oh hello, ghost ready for your daily beating," she asked, "just get it over with you stupid bitch" I said. She then punched me in the stomach as I fell to the ground "what did you call me ghost" she asked, "nothing, Krissy" I said, "haha, that's what I thought" she said. She and her friends just kicked me while I was down, but I didn't care. I didn't give two fucks about anything in this world.

After that, I got up and went to the boy's bathroom and cried my eyes out I'm sorry, I'm just everyone's baby to push around, I guess.

After I was down, I went to class even though I was late, but I didn't care. I just took my seat and put my head down on the desk; as I ignored what the teacher said, I wanted to go home.

After class was over, I got up, but the teacher stopped me. "Jay holds up; what's the matter with you, dear," she asked, "I'm sorry, miss Allister, I'm just not feeling it today. I'm sorry," I said. "come on, where's the happy boy I like to see every day," she said, "I'm sorry I haven't been like that since I was 10 when my parents split up," I said. She then just pulled me in for a hug. "I'm sorry, Jay, are you healthy? Do you want me to help," she asked, "no-no, it's okay, miss Allister I got to get to my next class," I said, "okay (y/n), just come to me if you need anything at all," she said, "thank you miss Allister," I said.

I walked into my favourite class; well, it's more than a class; it's more like a one on one type with mike, my teacher "sorry I'm late, mike" I said, "your okay, Jay, grab your gun and will start with the targets" he said.

He was the best; it's where I took out my anger "okay, you know what to do" he said. I shot at the targets until they were all down "okay, now get your fencing uniform on" he said, "yes sir" I said.

I put on the outfit as we started to fence until I pinned my teacher as I took the helmet off as he handed me a bottle of water and a granola bar "Jay; you need to take better care of your body; your too skinny and look like a ghost" he said, "sorry mike I don't care to eat anything my mom makes, and I just hate my body" I said.

He then sat down next to me and hugged me; he was my ride die guy, the only person I looked up to, the only person I thoughts was a friend and cared about me the most. "Thanks for trying to make me feel better, mike," I said, "anytime kid, now get to your next class; great job like usual," he said. I just smiled as I got up and took off my fencing outfit, and went to my next class.

I was walking when I heard the speaker "Jay Williams, please report to the office," she said. I didn't know what I did, but I just did as I was told and went towards the office.

I came into the office as I saw someone familiar "dad? What are you doing here" I asked, "Hey kiddo, well, your mom was busy at work, and the school called her, so she called me, and I'm here," he said.

I just walked over and hugged him "thanks for coming, I guess even though it will just be bad news," I said. He just laughed as the principal called us in.

"Okay, so what's up with Jay? What's he done," he asked, "he's failing all his classes, he goes off at random times to do who knows what, he looks like a ghost has he been eating right," she asked. "ma'am, I assure you he's alright and his mother and I will talk to him about it so good day," he said.

My father got up as I followed behind him and brought me outside to his truck.

"You don't like it here, do you, Jay," he asked. I looked down as he drove to anywhere but here "no, not really" I said, "why don't you say anything" he asked, "cause I don't need anyone to notice me I'm just a soulless little boy in this world no one likes me, no one cares for me, and I'm fine with that" I said.

The car came to a stop as my father pulled me in for a hug "but your mother and I love you, doesn't that matter, buddy" he asked. "not I want you guys to be back together then I might be happy" he said. "you know that can't happen jay you know I just wasn't the right man for her" he said, "let's just drop it and go inside can I stay tonight" I asked, "of course Jay anything for you buddy I'll call your mom to let her know" he said. I just got out of the truck and went inside my dad's house.

A/n: I don't know don't know don't knowww what I'm tinking about in this little brain of mine. I tink I was in a mood to sit down and write my heart out I tink. I'm not sure what will happen in this book so enjoy the beginning. I'll be back with more tomorrow, haha, I tink!

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