•C H A P T E R T W E N T Y T H R E E•

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Author's POV

The team of friends, all wrapped up in coats and warming up with heat warmers, continued walking, the golden lit pathway still surprisingly visible despite the snow that continued to build up as they walked along. Everyone had to change their shoes cuz of that as well. Erza, prepared with clothing as usual, saved them with that.

As they walked further and further into the forest, it got colder and colder. To the point some of their hands started to ice up.

"This forest really does live up to it's name. Natsu, you might have to go all out." says Gray.

"Going all out!" Natsu yells, creating hot flames around his body, extending the flames towards his friends and increasing its heat.

"Are you sure you can handle all of us Natsu? Your magic might run out." Erza says concerned.

"I'll be alright. Besides I have lots of other ways to get fired up." Natsu answers, reassuring the scarlet head.

"We better get out of here while it's still daylight. I'll check if there's still more forest. If there's more we'll have to either stay the night with Natsu's flames to keep us warm, or we run." Gray says, climbing up a tree.

When he came down, he gave his teammates some unfortunate news. "Guess we'll have to either stay the night or run guys."

Everyone looked pretty bummed out at that.

And if things couldn't get any worse than being freezing cold, the 5 Dragon Slayers heard a couple of growls. And they all knew what it was and thought the same thing...



The dragon slayers, except Wendy, picked up at least two of their friends and fled.







"Why are all these sentences beginning with 'W'? Oh I did it too..."

The wolfhounds were incredibly fast however, causing everyone to spilt up cuz of the number of them chasing them.

Sarada's POV

Things have gotten worse. First, a freezing ice cold forest, then chased by wolfhounds, then everyone's spilt up. What's next?

When the wolfhounds were noticed by the dragon slayers, I remembered clearly who picked up who and ran off:
Sting - Yukino and Lector.
Rouge - Frosch, Wendy, and Carla, who was picked up by Wendy.
Gajeel - Gray, Lily and Scarlet-sama.
Natsu - Lucy, Happy and me. Tho it seems Happy understood the assignment quickly after seeing the wolfhounds when we started running and lifted me up in the air a bit cuz...I WAS FLYING AND IT WAS AMAZING. So I guess I'll say Happy saved me.

I'm guessing the ones who were grouped like that are also the ones are together right now while the whole team is separated. Since right now I'm with Lucy, Happy and Natsu.

"Is everyone ok?" I asked. Earning a "yeah" from the three.

"This is bad tho, we've been separated." Happy says.

"Dammit...they must be freezing." Natsu said aloud.

Seeing his concern, I reassured him, "They'll find some way or the other to get warm. I'm sure they're all in groups and even tho it'll still be freezing cold, I know they're tough and strong. They'll get through this coldness, believe it!" Nice one Sarada, Nanadaime's famous line in addition sounds perfect!

"I know how tough they are. So I won't worry too much then, but........" Natsu started.

"........how do we group up again?" Happy finishes. "The wolfhounds are probably still out there. If we light up a flare they'll see it."

"Wolfhounds have a good sense of scent too." Natsu states.

Lucy spoke, "If we could somehow get away from them without them sensing us and get out of this place at least before it gets dark..."

"Actually, I have a jutsu that erases my traces so no one can sense me. I can also use a jutsu to make myself invisible as well. And there's this other jutsu I haven't used in action yet but it's worth the shot. Boruto used this jutsu alot, it was passed down by his father. It's quite useful so I learnt it myself." I said.

"Cool! What's it called?" Natsu asked.

"And what's your plan?" Lucy asked as well.

"It's called the Shadow Clone Jutsu. I can make about 6 shadow clones so that should be enough. My shadow clones can become invisible and erase traces of their chakra and search for the others."

"Are you sure you can handle that? You've used up alot of chakra just to keep the pathway lit for us only to see." Lucy says worried.

"I think I'll be ok. Don't worry."

And that's exactly what I did. I was able to find everyone and bring us all back together again as well as an area where there's no wild animals or anything. I used a sealing jutsu for that area just in case as well, and the sun has completely set, so I guess we'll have to just unfortunately stay the night here.

Everyone had fallen asleep by now except Natsu providing warmth, and me keeping him company. If he falls asleep I'll just use this 'weird-but-helpful-for-this-situation jutsu' that makes the area hot. I learnt alot of Fire Style jutsus so I'm sure we'll be good.

For now, Natsu and I are chatting by whispering to each other so we won't wake anyone up.


"Mhm. He called me a peanut."

"Your dad's attempts on communicating with you are hilariously weird."

"Yes, they quite are. We got along after some time so we were good now."

"I still can't believe you haven't seen him til you were 12."

"I still can't believe you're actually a boy from 400 years ago, raised by a dragon, dragon aka your dad was inside you the whole time and by the time he finally came out you lost him. Not to mention you and Zeref then the fact you're E.N.D. It was alot of information to take in when I first learnt of it."

"Well I still can't believe you're actually a girl from another world, in a world full of chakra, the heiress of an almost extinct clan if you don't continue it, and lost your parents, the man you looked up to and your childhood friend. It's incredible how you're still able to stand up on your two feet and continue following your dream. I really respect that."

"Thank you. I'd say the same to you. Always looking at the positive side of things and fighting nonstop for your friends and the guild if it means you can protect them. That's the kind of friend, and leader I wish to be so I really respect you for that as well, Natsu."

The conversation went on and on, different topics coming in. From me and my family, to my friends and teammates in my world, to what plans Natsu has for in the future which sounds really good, more information on how chakra works, I even taught him hand seals, which reminded me that he ATE chakra before. So we did a few things with the chakra he as now aquired. And what did you guess? His Chakra Nature is fire. I wonder how much chakra he has anyway? It's probably a little bit now but if he practices and trains with it he'll have lots more.

This guy just gets stronger and stronger it's insane. But he finds the whole chakra thing a bit difficult to understand so he's not that interested. I understand of course. Plus, if he mastered using chakra, and seeing how powerful he is now, he'd be invincible as hell. I mean, he kinda already is but, you get what I mean.

Overall, this bone-chilling night wasn't so freezing ice cold at all thanks to the warm filling chat I had with Natsu. No wonder his name means 'summer'. I...think I'm really gonna miss all this when I get back. But then again, this is a book I'm stuck in. These guys are fictional.

There's nothing I can do about it when they don't even exist in the first place. But...they'll always remain in my heart, forever watching me, always.

A/N: Since it's Sarada's birthday I thought why not update😌

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