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Kenma POV

We were at a restaurant, we were celebrating our 1st year anniversary. I still remember when he first asked me out, his puppy eyes begging to go out with him and of course, I couldn't resist. Yaku was amazing, but how do I deserve him? It was the last day of school when he asked me out and suddenly making me snap out of my thoughts, the door opened.

There stood a tall guy with his which seemed to be his sister, with striking green eyes and grey hair. He also wore a black suit and seemed to look like a model. Yaku couldn't help but to stare at him, his eyes glowing and glittering, like the way he once glanced at me. But now, he seems tired of me.

I mean, who wouldn't? I just stayed on my games all the time and barely talk. How could I enchant someone with that? I don't even know how I got Kuro as my best friend. He can't help but chat to me about all the girls he slept with. He is such a playboy. How am I his best friend?

When we first met, he was quiet and shy like me, so how did I manage to crack his shell to transform him into this new guy? So cocky and... never mind that. Wait, why was I thinking about him? I was with Yaku, who is still staring at the boy. I felt uncomfortable, of course, but I knew this was going to happen. I mean, he didn't deserve me at all. He never did.

"Um, Yaku?" I spoke.

Then he shook himself back to reality and said: "Yeah, Kenma?"

"My mum called me last minute and told me that I needed to go home urgently," I said.

"Oh, okay then."

"See you tomorrow then,"

"See you," and he went back to staring at the boy, who was now staring back at him.

I grabbed my stuff and headed out. My stomach crumbled into pieces, barely 3 minutes in, and I lost him. I felt tears running down my cheeks.

"I am so stupid." I sniffed as I tried to fight my shivering lips from breaking down, "why did I think I deserve him?"

And I ran, and ran, and ran. I ran until I reached my house, but I remembered something. Mum was in a business trip, and father died 4 months ago. I glanced beside me. It was Kuro's house. I didn't know why but my feet wandered over there. Before I knew it, I was infront of the door. I knocked it and was surprised to see not Kuro's father attending the door, but Kuro himself.

"Kenma, what are you doing here?" He continued, "Aren't you meant to be in your date?"

"I-I... I wanted to see you?" I stuttered and fuddled with my left ear.

He raised an eyebrow before moving to the side, allowing me to enter. I strolled inside, only to see that he was home alone.

"No girls? That's a surprise." I mocked him.

"Excuse me?" He continued, "what are you talking about, Kenma?"

"The girls, who are CONSTANTLY flirting with you, you know?"

"Oh, that." He spoke, "not tonight."

"Um, can I tell you something?"

"Sure, anything you can tell me."

"So, um, how do I put this?" I took a breath and continued to speak, "Yaku and I broke up."

"What?" He said, "What happened? Did he do something to do? Wait, let me get my bat."

"Kuro!" I continued, "it was my decision."

"But why, Kenma?"

"Felt like I didn't deserve him, like I wasn't good enough for him."

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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