Just My Luck - One Shot

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"Hello?" I reluctantly picked up a call from a blocked number. Blocked numbers had always frightened me... Well... always since it happened.

"Is that Melissa?" a female voice asked.

"Yes, who am I speaking to?" I replied, half not wanting to know the answer.

"This is Mary Paul" The voice informed me. I became more scared of the anonymous caller, now that I was sure it wasn't someone I knew. "I am the chief organizer of the Australia Day fair taking place on the 26th of January"

I was extremely confused. Why would she be contacting me?

"I have heard that you are a very talented young girl and I would like to invite to sing with the main event of the day. Reece Mastin." I went silent and stiff. "Is that something you would be interested in?" she continued

"yes, ma'am. It is... I would be honoured. Thank you!" I said with excitement, but trying to stay professional.

"Fantastic! I will see you at rehearsals tomorrow. The details will be emailed to you."

"Thank you, Mary! I will be there!"

"Bye now" she farewelled me. With that the call ended.

I dropped my phone on to the ground. Hearing a loud noise as it hit the wooden floor. I squealed with excitement and immediately picked the phone up. Having to put the battery back in. I struggled as I was shanking uncontrollably. I quickly dialled the number of Caitie, my older sister, who was only 7 years older than me but was more of a mum than an older sister... She needed to be since what happened to mum.

"Mel?" she answered the phone

"CAITIE!" I screamed down the phone.

"Are you okay? Do you need me to come home?"

"No! Silly!" I laughed

"why are you yelling then?"

I explained the whole situation.

She said she was on her way home from work. I was surprised she could understand me, I was speaking so fast. The whole night I couldn't eat or even sit down I was so excited. By eleven o'clock I was finally sitting in bed, practically bouncing off the walls with excitement. I heard my dad come home from the pub, or where ever he was, he never told us where he disappeared to at night. He was yelling and swearing at someone on the other end of his phone. He had become extremely addicted to alcohol and was hardly home. I feel like I lost two parents when it happened, rather than just one.

The next morning I woke up at 4:30, ready to go to rehearsals, although I didn't have to be there until 7:00. The morning flew by and suddenly I was in the car with Caitie on the way to practice my set with Reece. I was about to meet and sing with the person I idolize. On arriving I found out that I was in fact, not going to me meeting or singing with Reece until the day of the fair and I was only going to perform one song with him. I was disappointed. I had gotten so hyped up, only to be let down. This was something I was used to. But it was slightly reliving to know that it would be another week until I completely embarrass myself in front of my idol. The song was one that I had never heard of before. It was called just my luck. Mary lead me Down a long hall and in to a small room with a stereo and music stand. "late again" Mary sighed, shaking her head in disappointment "a singing teacher will be here within 10 minutes.... hopefully." she told me, rolling her eyes. As those words left her mouth the door to the small room was flung open and a petite, young woman came rushing in. "sorry I'm... Sorry I'm.... Sorry I'm late" she stumbled over her words, panting.

"Oh that's alright..." Mary sighed.

"I suppose" she added, half-heartedly, making it sound like an effort. Mary left the room, leaving her best of luck for the performance; we wouldn't meet again until the day.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 09, 2013 ⏰

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