IV - Home (Finale)

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​"WHAT??!! What the fuck Yuri!" Tiffany was furious. She banged the bottle on the counter. Thank heavens it didn't break.

"I can get another one. Don't worry."

"You can get another one?" She then lets out a sarcastic laugh. "You sure do remember how you got there in the first place?"

It's because of you. I know, okay? Yuri thought. She didn't answer and just looked elsewhere. She didn't want any eye contact with Tiffany. She can't. It's as if Tiffany will eat her alive in no time.

Of course, she was scared.

"So, what are you going to do now? Stay here and do nothing? Read your useless books? Spend your savings until you got nothing?"

Yuri couldn't think anymore. She stood there without absorbing anything. All she wants now is to go inside their room, change her clothes, and sleep. Besides, she's got nothing to say to her anymore.

What for?

She came back to her senses as soon as Tiffany snatched the paper bag in her hand that broke the straps. "And what's this?" Tiffany gets the boxes and points at Yuri in complete madness. "You left me there, you quit your job and you still get to fucking shop?!" She threw the boxes with force, reaching the full glass window.

Boiling blood flowed at Yuri's every vein that instant. Her eyes got pinned on the boxes that are more than just boxes to her.

She took a deep breath then went to them.

Picked them up carefully.

Treating them like eggshells.

She checked every corner and found a few bumps on Eve.

She shook her head then hugged them.

Tiffany continues to yell at her with curses and words that not one registered in her mind. She went inside the room alone silently but left the door open.

Tiffany didn't follow her but her voice is still everywhere. Loud but unclear to Yuri.

Yuri sat on her chair at her small workspace in the corner then stared blankly to nowhere, still holding the presents.

A sudden bang from somewhere, but she was sure it was from the living room made her snap from her blank stare.

She sighed softly then looked at the boxes which reminded her of the letter inside her coat so she pulled it out.

To my Eve,

A smile instantly formed on her lips.

Happy Birthday!

Take a rest and I promise to stay with you while you hibernate and be there once you're recharged.

Yuri giggled at the thought of the scene when Eve hibernated and Wall-E almost lost himself finding the solution to revive her.

I won't get tired of waiting until you're back on track again.

Waiting. She's been waiting for me all these years. She thought. And now you should stop waiting for me Sica.

Know that I will always be here through every season that will come.

And I hope that you'll find the happiness you deserve in this crazy world.

With Love,

Your Wall-E ❤

P.S. My hand is always available for you to hold onto. I won't let go, promise.

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