Part 1

776 16 1

Harry POV
I know I am going to get an inheritance that much I know. I also know that some of them are feeding me potions. They think that giving me love potions will make me fall for Ginny, but I won't because love potions only work if you are attracted to that person's gender and I am GAY. So when I got my inheritance on my 16th birthday I wasn't surprised when I got a letter with a Gringotts seal. The letter said Dear Mr.Riddle,
It appears that you have gotten your creature inheritance 1 year earlier due to many long-lasting potions and glamour. To come to discuss this, this letter is a portkey to activate it please say Balderdash.
Sincerely, Gringotts
I also know I am going to have 2 mates, the Weasley Twins. This is perfect since I have had a crush on both of them since 3rd year. "Balderdash, "I say and I am suddenly at Gringotts and a goblin comes to take me to my account manager, Ragnarok and he gives me a blood test sheet and a knife. I add 5 drops of blood to it and I read the sheet
Name: Hadrian Sirus Riddle
Alias: Harry Potter
Mother: Severus Riddle nee Snape
Father: Tom Marvolo Riddle
-Minerva McGonagall
-Remus Black-Lupin
-Lily Black nee Evans(deceased)
-Filus Flitwick
-Sirius Black-Lupin(wrongly imprisoned)
_Regulas Black(deceased)
-James Potter(deceased)

Lord to:

Heir to:

Creature Inheritance:
Creature: Dark Human-Fairy Hybrid (dominate)
Mate(s): George Weasley - Fire Imp (submissive), Fred Weasley - Fire Imp (submissive)

>Loyalty Potion - keyed to Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Molly Weasley, Ronald Billius Weasley, Ginny Molly Weasley, "Light Side"

>Love Potion - keyed to Ginny Molly Weasley

>Hate potion - keyed to Tom Marvolo Riddle (Voldemort), Severus Snape, "Dark Side"


Intelligence Block (50% broken)
Parseltongue (100% broken)
Parselmagic (30% broken)
Creature Inheritance (100% broken)
Mate Block (90% broken)
All blocks placed by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Vault Withdrawals:
Potter Vault - 50,000 galleons monthly by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, 10,000 galleons by Ginny Molly Weasley, 15,000 galleons Ronald Billius Weasley, 10,000 galleons by Molly Weasley

Potter Trust Vault - 100 galleons by Hadrian Sirus Riddle

Potter Mansion, Potter Cottage(destroyed), Riddle Mansion, Hogwarts, Snape Cottage, Snape Mansion, Black Mansion, 12
Grimmauld Place
That was a very long list and it makes so much sense. Ragnarok then asked "Would you like to meet your parents" to which I responded with "Yes." In a few minutes, Tom and Snape arrived and when I saw them I ran right to them, and then Tom asked me the dreaded question, "Who were you before, Hadrian." I respond by giving him the blood test and as they were reading I saw their eyes get wider and wider with surprise. When they finished Snape started to get teary and he then apologized over and over. Tom just stood up walked over to me and hugged me while his eyes were blank and teary.

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Word Count: 512(not including A/n)

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