Part 8 (1)

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Robin walked down the corridor which Sam had marked as the boys' bedrooms. Sky and Alexa had left for their rooms first, leaving Jane and him alone. He did not know how it had happened exactly, but suddenly he had walked behind Jane and had called her back. She had turned and looked straight at him. All he had said to her was 'good night' and then he had turned and walked away. He remembered that Sam had told them that their names would be on the doors. He suddenly stopped at a door and saw Sky's name. He lifted his hand to knock on the door, but then lowered it again. He did not want to wake Sky or disturb her. Robin walked on and saw his name on a door, five rooms away from Sky. He opened the door and walked into the room. The room was dark, but at the same time clearly visible. No light or candle was shining anywhere. He walked further in and walked to the bed that stood in the middle of the wall across the room. He turned around and saw an expensive door opposite him. The door led to a large bathroom. When Robin had stepped into the room, he had seen a wardrobe. The wardrobe stood next to a desk that was empty. A desk chair stood next to it. Robin walked to the chair, took off his jacket and put it over the armrest of the chair. Next to the desk stood a large bookcase that was still empty. Next to the cupboard stood a sofa with cushions in it. The sofa stood next to a bedside table. Robin walked to his bed and lay down. He didn't bother to change his clothes into pyjamas. He closed his eyes and thought of home. The room in which he now lay down was exactly the same as his room at home. When he thought of his room at home, he suddenly thought of his sister. He had read the letter he had received from Jane and had come straight to the place that was mentioned in the letter. He had not thought about leaving his sister behind and did not know what she was doing now. He hoped that one of her friends had taken her under their wing. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Robin opened his eyes and sat up straight. "Yes?" he said. The door opened and Sky stepped into the room. "Hi," Sky said. "How are you?" "Fine," Robin replied. "Is something wrong?" "With me?" asked Sky in surprise. He had come to stand next to Robin and was leaning his shoulder against a cupboard. "I don't know. I've been lying on my bed for two hours without closing an eye, but I just can't fall asleep." he continued. "Two hours?" asked Robin suddenly. He turned around and looked at the alarm clock he had seen on his bedside table. It was after twelve o'clock and he had been worrying about his sister the whole time! Sky looked at him, startled. "Yes, two hours..." "Sorry," Robin said. "I was thinking about my sister." "No big deal..." said Sky. "Do you know how she is doing?" "No," replied Robin. "I was thinking about that..." "Ah ow," said Sky. "I hope she's all right." "Thank you," said Robin. "But didn't you have something to ask?" "No," said Sky. "Never mind. It's not that important anyway." He straightened himself up again and continued, "I think I'll get some sleep. Tomorrow will be an interesting day..." "Yeah, sleep well," Robin replied. Sky walked to the door, opened it and walked out. "See you tomorrow, Robin," he said and closed the door again. Robin lay back down and looked at the ceiling. It didn't take long before he closed his eyes and fell asleep. He dreamed about his sister and about an Elf who looked a lot like him. But he also dreamed of Jane, Alexa and Sky and of how things might turn out for them...

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