Chapter 1

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???'s P.O.V



That's all I saw looking at the computer as it was analyzing experiment 626 I still can't believe it's been a total of 11 whole years since we had experiment 626 I still remembered when he first came here he was a small little child someone named Leo brought him to us saying that the kid was the son of Zarc, so we can experiment on him all we want, and now he's our perfect experiment, so we started experimenting on him right away after Leo left with no hesitation I have seen a lot of scientists getting fired for feeding experiment 626 when he wasn't supposed to be fed since he wouldn't stop crying at all which got annoying very quickly, so we told him that if he didn't stop crying when we did testing on him, he would not be able to eat until he didn't, and yet no one has found us yet, but I was told it was because Leo promised to keep the police off us, so we could experiment on this kid all we want with the computer currently analyzing experiment 626 just to go through some current files whole other scientists were conducting more experiments on experiment 626 as I was about to update the files to make it say that experiment 626 is a success until I heard the system started saying warning I didn't know what was going on I saw flashing red lights, so I ran out of the computer room that I was in seeing other scientists running for their lives. I started asking what was going on until finally one of them finally stopped and said: "Its experiment 626, he became highly unstable, and he has killed the scientists and broke free from his cell and is out to kill everyone!" He continued to run away as I went back in the computer thinking I was safe from experiment 626's rampage if only I knew it actually didn't as I looked at the computer that was waiting for me, so I went to the computer and started typing on the keywords but instead of putting "success" I instead put "failure" knowing this just ended in failure I closed the computer down as suddenly the door to the computer room exploded I looked and saw a monster staring back at me with deep blood-red eyes I gasped backing away soon the monster came charging at me and everything soon went black........

Harmony's P.O.V

Hello, My name is Harmony Valentina Knight, I'm a Princess of Cherry Blossom, and I'm a half nine-tailed fox half angel and half vampire I live with my Father his name Fred Knight his a half werewolf half vampire half angel, my older twin sister named Willow is also half nine-tailed fox half angel half vampire and my younger sister Melody who is a half werewolf half angel half demon now, your probably wondering how Willow and I are foxes if our father is a wolf you see my Family well at least my father side is related to mother nature since a long time ago my really great-grandfather caught a cold that was slowly killing him and my family turned to mother nature for help begging for her help with my really great-grandfather since my family was known to worship her so of course she helped him as a thank-you gift by giving him her own blood, so which ever half animal we are is randomized because of it. Anyway, Life here isn't really perfect as people love to claim when your royalty everyone loves and respects you, but that's far from the truth with mostly since there is a lot of responsibilities as a royalty, but the other thing is not everyone respects and loves you I mean unless your me and my twin sister that is since not everyone is okay with nine-tailed foxes being princesses a lot of people hates nine-tailed foxes since their not only powerful demons but also very mischievous no matter how hard we tried to prove otherwise that we aren't like that some people believed us, but others didn't even threaten to call demon slayers on us just for existing some did a couple of times, but they were taken care of by our father. I usually don't ever like to talk about my mother since she picks sex over having a kid, so I hate talking about her but the only thing you need to know is that she has done very bad things to my younger sister Melody which is why my Father adopted her to get her away from that evil woman, and I'm very thankful for my dad for doing that he is a kind person at heart I'm pretty sure he would have done it regardless of me and Willow being around, anyway today mine and Willow's childhood best friend Yuya wanted me, Willow, my cousin Coral and Melody to meet someone after a few months of not hearing from him, I was excited to finally see him I was awakened by one of the maids telling me it's time to wake up I got up stretching thanking her for waking me up as she bowed and left I went to change out of my night outfit to my Hoodie which exposes my stomach as the design being pale red with strawberry patterns with blue Jean shorts I than brushes my long black&rose red hair I put on my fishnets on my legs with a pink belt buckle as I carefully brushed my tails before putting on my fox mask on the side of my head as I put on high heel boots on then went downstairs I saw my dad in the throne room talking with some important people, so I quickly gave him a kiss on his cheek as he quickly whispered that Willow&Melody are outside waiting for me outside I nodded as I quickly left outside seeing Melody and Willow waiting for me, so I ran to them telling them that I'm ready which Melody said: "About time you were taking forever." I rolled my eyes saying: "Let's just go and get Coral, so we can go see Yuya."  Willow nodded excitedly as we started walking to the one of the Mansions that was next to the castle there Melody, Willow and I saw our older cousin Coral who is a half wolfsune half angel half demon, but she keeps her wolfsune side a secret to get the wolves off her back to make them think all the wolfsunes are dead was waiting for us, we ran to her, and she said: "Hey girls are we ready to see Yuya?" we all nodded with me&Willow being the more excited ones than Melody, so we started walking as we were trying to theorize who this person is that Yuya wanted us to meet I was guessing that it could be a family member that's staying with them either temporarily or permanently, Melody theorized that Zarc&Ray adopted another child Coral believes more of guess, but she was leaning more towards that the family member will stay here in cherry blossom permanently, so I looked at Willow and asked: "Willow what is your theory?" They looked at us as they started using sign language as she was signing that she believes my theory as well but also leaning more towards that the family member was going to be here permanently. While we were making our way to Yuya's place we came across the boba tea shop, and I love boba tea that I couldn't help but stop and go in the boba tea shop I asked Willow, Coral and Melody if they wanted some boba tea and if so what kind. Coral said: "Strawberry Banana boba tea and make sure they use soy milk." I nodded and looked at Melody and Willow which Melody said: "Carmel chocolate boba tea with cookie crumbs as the topping with lactose free milk." I nodded then looked at my sister Willow who used sign language signing that they wanted a banana chocolate boba tea using Soy milk and cookie crumbs as the topping I nodded and waited in line to order once it was my turn I went to the cashier employee saying: "Hello, I would like one Lactose free Carmel chocolate boba tea with cookie crumbs as toppings, one soy milk strawberry banana boba tea, one soy milk banana chocolate tea also with cookie crumbs as toppings and one more soy milk cookies n cream boba tea also with cookie crumbs as toppings please." The employee nodded telling me the price which I quickly paid as we waited for our drinks and a few minutes later our drinks arrived, and we took our drinks left continuing to walk to Yuya's place I took a sip of my drink which we soon got to the mansion, so Willow knocked on the door to which Jenny opened the door greeting us. Jennifer let us in the mansion so we went in as I asked if Yuya was in the living room Jenny nodded as Willow, Melody, Coral, and I after taking out boots/high heel shoes off went into the living room there we saw Yuya sitting on the couch, but there was someone else sitting on the couch he was holding onto Yuya he appeared to be a young male with kind of mixed skin color his hair was a side hairstyle with black in the back and light purple in the front he wore a black shirt with a black and cream color jacket with black pants, he wore spiked wristbands and a spiked Choker, but I couldn't see his eyes with them covered with a belt like blindfold it was a minute of awkward silence until I cleared my throat saying: "So, Yuya who's this?" Yuya looked at me and said: "Oh, this is my older twin brother his name is Yuto." Older twin brother? But I thought only Yugo and Yuri were only his older twin brother that's when Melody said: "But if he's your twin brother how come we never heard of him? And how come he looks human compared to everyone else if he is related to you?" The room went silent again, but I could feel from the Aura that Yuya was giving off that those topics were too heavy for him to wanna talk about I changed to subject mostly for Yuya's mental health saying: "Doesn't matter the point is we are meeting Yuya's twin brother named Yuto, and we should be more Welcoming to him instead of making feel uncomfortable." However, I did realize that Yuto's aura was giving me any indication that he was uncomfortable since I couldn't feel it at all, so I just assumed he was getting uncomfortable from Melody's questioning like Yuya was as Coral asked: "So when is he starting school?" Yuya answered: "Oh, Mom and Dad decided to home school him since um...... they don't think his ready for public school yet." I started to think that maybe Yuto has some severe social anxiety from wherever he was from didn't really do good with him, but I knew that as a princess it's my job to make sure at least the teenagers are comfortable here in Cherry Blossom City so that is my main goal is to make sure Yuto loves his new home and maybe if he feels like it, he can maybe open up more about where he is. Anyway Yuya turned to Yuto and said: "Yuto, these are my friends Harmony, Coral, Willow and Melody." I rolled my eyes at that comment knowing damn well that Yuya has a crush on Coral ever since he met her when he was only 10 years old and Coral was only 11 years old as Yuto just nodded without saying anything so I looked at Willow and whispered to them: "I think Yuto is a mute just like you Willow." They nodded with a smile on their face knowing that now their not the only mute person in the friend group any more I just chuckled at Willow's reaction.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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