the tumblr monster!

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Hey guys so it is the first day back at school. its the same old thing really everybody is on their phones chcking social media. Today though it was different... nobody was on their phones and everybody had stopped moving. i was like what the hell. 

i saw my friend taylor and she ran up to me and gave me a massive hug. i asked her if she knew what was going on with the whole no phone thing. she said she didn't know she was confused.

Suddenly i heard a massive crash. i looked behind me and i saw a massive tumblr block crashing through he science block. Obviously i was really shocked and i couldn't believe it. 

I had never seen something like this before. Anyway it started walking towards me and taylor. we ran all the way to the other side of the school but it turns out that it could teleport. It told us to give me your phones. I refused obviously cause my mum would go absolutely mental.

Suddenly i felt a giant hand pic me up and it repeated give me your phone! this time i handed my phone over as quick as possible and it put me down gentley.... i mean it was really rough.

I suddenly realized that because of this tumblr monster this is why everyone isn't on their phones and on social media !

to be continued........................................

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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