new home new school

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I slowly open my eyes as the fall breeze goes though my window. Groaning I sit up in bed and rub my eyes, "fuck why is it already the first day of school" i mumbled to my self. I got out of bed and looked at my self in the mirror, i look over next to my mirror to find my guy liner. "Ahh i see it" i said to my self, no knowing that i had left it open all night i put the tip of it under my waterline and I press it down to paint my eyes with the nice jet black inc. I look at it confused as I notice nothing is coming out. I mumbled to my self "God damn it Damaris, why do you always have to leave things open" I put it down on my desk and walked over to my closet. I picked out my fuzzy bunny hoodie, a black choker with two inch spikes on it with chaines dangling like there is nothing better to do. I walk over to my drawers and pick out some black cargo pants, i then rummaged through my stuff to find my chained belt, i yelled "mom have you seen my belt?" A second later she came in with it in her hands, she looked me up and down. "Well you look interesting" she said with a concerned tone. "I looked down at the floor and let my bangs fall in my eyes, "mom its fine it will keep me warm" she gave a light sigh then kissed my forehead and walked out. I reached for my belt and put it on. I went back to my closet to get my platform boots i would wear, i put thoes on and walked back to the mirror, i fixed my bleached hair with the tips a nice baby pink, into a normal style i used, which in this case was in my face and eyes all the time. If you haven't noticed yet my favorite color is pink, i have always liked pink as a kid and up to now i still do. I got my make up bag and put some blush on my cheeks and nose, then i put some freckles on them. I smiled and walked into the bathroom to find my baby pastel yellow eye contacts. Truth be told my natural icy blue eyes tend to be a little much with some of my looks, so i cover them up with my eye contacts. I walked down and got my bag gave my mom a kiss on her cheek and walked out the door. It was a decent day for being fall, usually i would be freezing my butt off but this one day seemed to be smiling upon us. I walked over to the buss stop and stood there which felt like forever. The buss finally came and i stepped onto it, the buss lady stopped me and asked for my name, I meekly mumbled "Damaris Carrington" she gave me a nice warm smile and gave me the ok to go sit down. I kept my head down as i walked through the isles and found a seat in the back. I look out the window of the buss and just zone out, my father is the reason why im at the school now, he cheated on my mom with a stripper, I now take care of her and her needs, im the man of the house now. As i was lost in thought the buss finally stops. I come back from my thoughts and look at the school. Evelyn high school was its name, I got up like everyone else and walked out. I noticed people were in groups, would i ever fit in any of them? Well i guess we will have to find out. I entered the school though the big glass doors, i kept my head down so no one would notice me, had all the info i needed to get around the school in a book i would write in. I found my locker, and well as expected a guy was on a girl they were making out like they would never see each other again, I slowly walked over and coughed and said "E-excuse m-me thats my l-locker" they stopped and they both looked at me like they were annoyed the girl walked past me and bumped my shoulder she said "ew its a faggot" the guy walked past to giving me the stare, I already felt alone, I was already called a faggot. I opened my locker and put my stuff in i felt a tap on my shoulder, I meeky turned around, it was a girl and a guy, the girl said in a bubbly voice "Hi im liah, and this is Chester, we noticed that you are new here and would like to welcome you!" I gave a shy smile, "t-thanks" i stammered Chester gave me a reassuring look that they wont hurt me, Liah asked me for my book to look at my classes, "OH" she squealed "you have first period with me!" The smiled again and took my arm, "come this way" she looked back at Chester "ill see you soon Twinkie" I laughed at that. She said "i have known him all my life hes great" she stopped me at a class room. "Here is our English class" I walked inside with her following me. It was a nice class room, it had windows around it a red carpet on the ground, and some couches some nice and fluffy bean bag chairs with a cover on them which looked like faux fur. Liah took my hand and walked me over to the teacher, "Mr. Trevor, this is.." She turned to look at me i stammered "D-Damaris" I looked back down at the ground for I was very much shy of words, i have always been shy around new people. He held out his hand and gave me a welcome to my class smile, which made my uncomfortableness go away. "Come over here" she squealed and took my arm once more, "O-ok" i mumbled.
She plopped her self down on the one couch that had a nice gray tint to it. "sit down!" She smiled and laughed. So i did, some girl came over and sat next to her and was asking her questions about who I was, she simply explained that I was new and would he helping me out with my classes and how to get to places in this school. After that it was a blur the teacher was very much good at teaching, while i was lost in thought the bell finally rang. Then as i stood up I heard the other girl say, "hey Liah, me and some others are going to be smoking weed and drinking at the vampires Cove wanna join us?" She put her fingers up to her mouth as if she had a very important question and that she had to answer it correctly. "Sure, ill go but can damaris come along?" She turned to look at both of us." Her friend said "sure as long as he won't cause any trouble" her friend looked me up and down, then smirked and laughed and walked away, "it starts at 7:30pm ill see you there" Liah looked at me and squealed once more, "come on lets go find Chester" I just nodded my head in agreement. We found him smoking in a corner of the building, I wondered what it was like, I wanted to try it but I was always so scared others would judge me. After lots of bells ringing it was finally over, my first day of school was over, now lunch was a whole other story I have, I will have to tell you that one another time. I decided to walk home, the buss made me feel queasy. All the kids on that buss are either out to get you or will do nothing. I got home after 15 minutes of walking, I opened the door "mom im home" I walked over to the table and saw a note "damaris, i will be out with some of our neighbors, they invited me to go out to lunch with them, I made some mac n cheese its in the fridge. If anything comes up just call me I hope I won't be long.
-love mom-"
I was happy that mom was getting outta the house, she has been needing some new friends. I went up stairs and jumped into my bed, I dozed off and after that I had no idea what was about to happen during the night.

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