Books Rain From Above

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The books and characters are owned by Rick Riordan. I own nothing except the reactions

All the Greek gods(the Olympians at least, including Hades and Hestia) were present on Olympus. Like usual, there was great peace and tranquillity.

"I'm the best god of archery and pretty much everything else!" Apollo yelled.

"Oh yeah? If you got out of that big head of yours you would see otherwise." Artemis said, readying her bow.

"Fight, fight!" Ares yelled, as though watching a tournament.

"I am the king of all gods and the most powerful one!" proclaimed Zeus.

"I am the earth-shaker and storm-bringer and obviously more powerful than lightning head!" Poseidon shot back.

"Perhaps we should stop fighting" advised Hestia calmly.

"Fighting? Who is fighting?" asked Aphrodite as she and Athena glared daggers at each other.

"Does anyone want cereal?" asked Demeter.

"I hate family gatherings" grumbled Hades.

This went on until a note fluttered from the sky. Hermes caught it and wondered aloud what it could be. Then he read it out.

Dear gods,

We are sending a bunch of demigods and two others from the future and you shall read books about them. They must only reveal their names and you shall learn their parentage in the said books. Why are we doing this? We are bored and love messing with everyone's life.


The Fates

Just as Hermes completed reading, five books fell on top of Dionysus.

"Not funny." he grumbled.

Next in a flash 13 demigods appeared.

"Well I suppose we should start." said Hera.

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