Yusuf's POV
"I can't believe i allow that stupid guy to get the best of me!" I scoffed, frustrated, as i entered our general living room followed by Fadilah "i allowed him to left with Noor without a fight?" I asked myself folding my hand into a fist.
"That's what you are supposed to do just let them go, that Noor girl doesn't deserve you anyway. They even match with her grumpy brother" said Fadilah with a sneer.
"Hey, hey watch your tongue. I can cut ties with anyone when it's about Noor I'm telling you" i warned pointing a finger at her.
"So that's what you are trying to do with me?" A voice said from the stairs and we both turned to the direction it comes from.
"Yes. First of all where are you from? second why do you keep staying out late? And third you keep skipping meals and starving yourself because i refused to convince your father to Meet Noor's family regarding your marriage, why?"
"We are from the shopping mall aunty, i asked him to escort me to buy some stuffs" answered Fadilah.
"Ok, then my second question?"
"It's busy at work" i answered shortly.
"And the third?"
"why don't you want to give me what I want mom?" I whined.
"Don't answer my question with another question" she warned "i want a proper answer"
"It must be because of her! that Noor destroyed your life" interjected Fadilah.
"Didn't i told you to watch your tongue? I will slap you wallah!" I Threatened. And continue shouting on top of my voice "Even if she destroyed my life why did you care? My life is her's to destroy because i destroyed her life first" i finished breathing heavily.
"Sit down here son" my mom requested lowering her voice as she can't afford to make me angry "calm down and sit here please".
I sat down on the center table she's pointing and she make Fadilah also sit opposite to me making us look at each other.
"Son look at your sister please" she begged. I tilted my head to the side hissing before i looked up at Fadilah scanning her face to see if there's something wrong there that mom wants me to see.
"Her makeup is still intact" i commented in an I-don't-care tone.
"No that's not it!."
"Then what is it?" I asked.
"Is she not pretty?" Mom asked and i stared at Fadilah scanning her face again while she stared back at me looking directly into my eyes which made me a little bit uncomfortable.
Lower your gaze gal!
"Yeah she is" i answered, "everyone in our family is pretty i think, that's what you always say"
"Yes because that's the truth. Ok tell me what Noor has that Fadilah lacks"
"Should i count them or i should just say it in general?" I asked.
She nods "whichever you choose"
"Ok, everything" i spur and stood up to leave. Fadilah quickly drag me by my arm and force me to sit back again tears shining in her eyes. "Please be more specific" she requested.
I don't wish to say anything that will hurt her feelings but she asked for it.
"Let's stop it here Fadilah, please"
"No please Hamma Yusuf tell me, i know I'm even prettier than her aren't i? She's just cute and she always overacts, feigning innocent so that she will make guys go crazy over her"
I let out a humorless laugh, trying to control my urge to punch her in the mouth. I can't hurt another girl.
"At least she has some manners, she never badmouth anybody and she has self respect, she has conscience and above all she respect herself being a woman. And you lack all of them"
She burst out crying and mom just stared at me in surprise.
"Are you saying all this just because you know I love you? That's why you always like disgracing me?"
"Noor could never say this" i said standing up "especially not in front of my mother" i added and took the stairs to my room hearing Fadilah sobbing.
I already knew we are coming to this point even though I'm trying my best to keep Fadilah away from me but she just kept sticking to me like a leech and pestering me like a fly, i just can't stand it any longer.
I climbed my bed that's dressed in pure white bedsheets not caring to remove my dirty shoes and brought out my phone from my pocket. I quickly searched for Noor's contact as I need to know how she got home with that grumpy brother of hers, but she might not pick it so i just decided to go with a sms.
Me: hello babe.
Read. No response
Me: Noor?!
Noor: yes? I'm not your babe!
Me: oh you are there?
Noor: no I'm dead.
I found myself smiling at her sarcasm, she was always like that and i just like it, i love all her characters, her honesty and her sincerity, that's no way she could've been compared with an ordinary girl, Noor is special.
I pulled a pillow under my head, lying comportably and put a leg on top of the other as i texted her back.
Me: did you get home safe?
Noor: why did you care? but yes.
Me: that guy didn't hurt you, did he?
Noor: No he's not you! I gotta go, bye.
Me: what?
Me: wait!
Me: Noor?!
I sighed putting away the phone and pulled myself out of the bed, i need to go and see Noor tomorrow after work no matter what, i have to show her that I'm really serious about getting her back.
P.S i don't know why i find it hard to write Yusuf's POV. Writing this took much longer than you can imagine because i have to erase the whole thing after i finished writing it and write it again and I'm not even sure if you guys will like it like this not making sense🥺
But i promise a long chapter or 2 in the next 24 hours inshallah.

My Lifeline
Romance"i will give you my kidney and i want luxury life in return" Everyone stared at me jaw dropped, puzzled, I'm just a passerby how can I just stick my nose into something that's none of my business? Did i think their son's life is a joke? I can tell b...