A GEORG IN MY PUSSY - Abyss Herald x Dream

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TITLE: a georg in my pussy (real not fake!!)
FEATURING THE CHARACTERS: dream, abyss herald
WRITERS: vee, meeeesha, hachii
dream lustfully stared at abyss herald... "nghh baby ur so tight" he growled as he shoved his meaty sausage inside his tight, sensitive hole. "A-aah dream-kun! f-f-f-fasker!! he moans
then they stopped. "Wait," dream said, "where is georg? we can't have saxes without him becaossue he is my husband!" abyss herald was like "RAAGGGHHHH I DONT LIKE GEORGE YOU ARE ALL MIME BBABYGIRL" but then george appeared out of dream's pussy. "I HEARD THAT BITCH!!!" he said and pulled out a shotgun
the abyss herald screamed and ran back to floor 10 chamber 3 first half of the abyss.
dream made a sexy face at georger, "it's just you and me now baaby"
but suddenly out of no where, a portal appeared. it was....THE ABYSS HERALD AND............HIS GANG??? georg pulled out his shotgun but the abyss herald threw water on him! "OMG BABY UR WET NOW!!", dream yelled. Georeg's shotgun dropped to the floor as the abyss lector picked it up and aimed at goerge. "no one messes with my baby herald." and shot goerge dead. dream shcoked! dream went to herald and said..."give me some heraldussy!!! plea-eplepalse" dream yelped. and abyss herald said yes baby and then they live happily. ever. after.

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