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Beautiful June summer morning , first day of school for Dhaksh and first day of 5th grade for both Dhaksh and Amyra. Dhaksh was getting down from his bus with a handful of books and stationery and so was Amyra. Both of them bump into each other and all their books fall down .

Amyra: Sorry
Dhaksh: Sorry A
Amyra:(helping him)
Dhaksh: Sorry I did not see you there.
Amyra: No problem, it's fine.

Both of them leave for their respective classes. Amyra was in 5D and Dhaksh was in 5C  so both PE and period together.

During PE period a few days later in BB court :
Amyra: Ma'am I sprained my ankle . Can I sit down for this class.
Teacher: Yes ma'am.
Amyra: Thank you.
Dhaksh enters the BB court , sees Amyra writing  but does not greet her. While playing Dhaksh falls and scrapes his knee. So the teacher asks Amyra to take him to the infirmary. While going to the infirmary.
Dhaksh: Why were you sitting?
Amyra: I sprained my leg.
Dhaksh: Oh by the way my name is Dhaksh.
Amyra: My name is Hari Amyra you can call me Amyra.
Dhaksh: What were you writing ?
Amyra: Homework
Dhaksh: You like homework?
Amyra: No, if I complete it then I can go home and watch movies.
Dhaksh: Good thinking
Amyra slips due to the wet floor and Dhaksh holds Amyra's hand and pulls her towards him. Their faces were very close . They both had an awkward romantic moment because of this they do not talk until they come back to class from the infirmary.

A month later-
Both of them don't talk to each other much but Amyra has taken Dhaksh to the infirmary many times after PE class .
One Afternoon:
Amyra was sprinting towards her bus as she wasted to get the window seat. She trips due to her untied shoelaces , but she was fine. Then a girl twice her size falls on her and Amyra hurts her leg and her chin. Dhaksh sees this and runs toward her and even her bus teacher helps her to the infirmary.
Dhaksh: Ma'am you take her bag and tell the bus driver to wait.
Teacher: Can you help her to the bus? I hope your bus is not far away.
Dhaksh: No it is right behind yours. Yours is H3B and mine id H3.I will help her .
Teacher: Thank you dear
Amyra comes and washes her chin and comes from the restroom. When the doctor puts ice on Amyra she hisses and holds Dhaksh's hand and closes her eyes. But when she realizes she removes her hand .After treating her leg Amyra was about to get up and Dhaksh held her hand.
Amyra: What happened ?
Dhaksh: Let me help you or you will fall.
Amyra: Thank you
Dhaksh: No problem
Dhaksh helps Amyra get on the bus and climbs his bus right behind Amyra's bus.

Next Morning:
Amyra gets down from his bus and sees Dhaksh walking at a distance alone. Amyra walks faster and catches up with him. She taps his shoulder.

Amyra: Hi Dhaksh, thank you for yesterday .
Dhaksh: Oh that is fine , how is your leg?
Amyra: Healing
Dhaksh: Let me guess you won't play during PE today and complete HW.
Amyra: I will play next period.
Dhaksh: Make sure you don't get hurt.
Amyra: Sure I will.

Next Week:
This week Amyra was put to Carnatic Music class as she had a really good voice. But there was a big coincidence . It was that the music teacher's daughter learns guitar from Amyra's school music teacher(Leo sir).She realizes when she sees him in the music teachers house.
Amyra: Leo Sir
Leo: Yes that is me , how do you know me?
Amyra: You teach in HIS so I know you.
Leo: Can I listen to sing? Your teacher says that you sing really well.
Amyra: Yes sir sure.
After Class:
Leo: You have a really good voice, dear why did you not join music in school.
Amyra: It will get boring if I sing both at school and after school.
Leo: Can I ask you to sing on any school occasions ?
Amyra: Yes sir , you can let me know .

Final Examination:
The whole year flew by and 5th grade final examinations were coming and both of them were ready to face them. During this time 5C and 5D had to sit together. Amyra is waiting for her seatmate and sees Dhaksh very lost.
Amyra: Hi Dhaksh , looking for your seat?
Dhaksh : I am roll no. 8.
Amyra: Oh, then your seat is next to me.
Dhaksh: Can you show me where to sit? I am very lost.
Amyra takes him to the table. Both unpack their belongings.
It was the 3rd Language test so Amyra had Hindi and Dhaksh had French.
Dhaksh: Are you good at Hindi ?
Amyra: Not really , but I am good at French.
Dhaksh: I am good at Hindi. Do you mind if I ask you for help during the exam?
Amyra: I was gonna ask you the same thing.
Dhaksh and Amyra help each other during almost all the exams.

After the last exam:
Amyra: Happy Holidays
Dhaksh:  Happy Holidays
Even though Amyra and Dhaksh did not spend much time together they wanted to spend more time with each other . They wanted to see each other and talk to each other daily. So can they meet each other?

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