{43} Normal Day

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The following morning, i walked downstair to see Maura cooking pancakes and Cadence watching tv with Niall.

"Morning" I walked into the kitchen. "Good morning sweetheart, now what would you like? I cooked some pancakes for Cadence and I cooked some bacon, eggs and tomatoes for you, Niall and myself, you can have pancakes if you'd like" she told me.

"You know what, bacon, eggs and tomatoes sounds really lovely please" I put my hand on her shoulder and sat down at the table.

"Niall ate a whole plate of pancakes and than a whole plate of bacon, eggs and tomatoes" she laughed, causing me to laugh.

"Niall would eat a whole house down if he wanted to" I laughed. "That's true, Niall's best friend is food" she said, passing me a plate of bacon, eggs and tomatoes.

I ate down my morning breakfast very quickly before walking in the living room. "Morning to my fabulous husband and our beautiful daughter" I sighed, folding my arms in front my chest as I smiled.

"Mummy" Cadence smiled, giving me a hug. "Morning baby girl, did you have a good sleep?" I kissed her head.

"Yeah, it's really comfy but it squeaked a lot" she groaned. "It's probably the springs" I raised an eyebrow.

"Hey gorgeous!" Niall winked. I got up and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and giving him a good morning kiss. "I love you" he smiled.

"I love you too" i poked at his chest. "Did you have a good sleep?" He asked, rubbing my thigh.

"Yes, i did get a good sleep, did you?". "Sure did" he grinned and kissed me again.

"Nanny!" Cadence called out. "yes Cadence" Maura replied. "Do we get to see uncle Greg?". "No, he isn't here at the moment, he's away on holidays" she sighed.

"Aw" Cadence groaned. "Hey, what do you wanna do today?" Niall asked. "I don't know, i was thinking of taking Cadence to the park" I sighed.

"Alright, i'll stay here and watch some derby football" Niall grinned. "You're in love with it Niall, it needs to stop" I grabbed his face and laughed. "No, i'm in love with you" he said which was cheesy.

"Nah! Too cheesy, say something different" I crossed my arms. He cleared his throat and began. "The derby football is an obsession and you my dear are my passion and desire, i love you more than a football game" he smirked.

"Better" i sigh and than laugh, making him chuckle.

A few hours later, one of Niall's friends come over and watch the derby football with him, while Cadence, Maura and myself went down to a park just around the corner.

"I'm so happy that my son is married to a very beautiful and polite young women and has a beautiful and intelligent daughter" Maura proudly spoke as we were watching Cadence running around the playground like crazy.

"She's got a mind of her own, she's got big dreams, she uses her imagination and she believes to achieve a goal, just like her father" I told Maura.

"Niall was just like Cadence when he was eight years old" she tugged her hands into her pocket of her jacket and zipped it up.

"She's always pulling pranks, laughing, running around like crazy" I said, pulling my hoodie over my head.

"Just like Niall, she's just like him" she smiled. "She is her father's daughter, no doubt about it and i knew she would be ever since she was born, i remember she'd start crying and I'd try to calm her down, nothing worked until she heard Niall's voice, he's voice quieted her down and than she'll fall asleep with him singing" I explained.

"He's got a voice of an angel" she smiled. "yeah, he does, he sings to me as well" I pushed a piece of loose hair behind my ear and looked up at my daughter, swinging back and fourth on the swing.

"She's so happy and bubbly, just like her father" Maura looked at Cadence and sat up. "we better start heading back" she sighed.

"we should" I grabbed Cadence and walked back home.

I walked through the door to see Niall wearing a plain tee, red zip up hoodie and sweats. "Hey babe, we're back" I walked into the living room, leaning the back of neck into his arms.

"good, coz i missed you" he turned his head to be looking at me, than leaned in and kissed me.

He rubbed the back of my head and chuckled. "What?" I chuckled back. "i really don't care if you're laying on the couch all day wearing sweats and a plain grey shirt because you'd still be the most attractive girl i've ever seen" he rubbed his ear lobe and than scratched his leg.

"I don't care if you're being a moody shit for a whole day, because I'd still love you" I chuckled, digging my knees up to my chest.

"Same here" Niall rubbed my cheek and kissed me.

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