Where it all began...

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It is Spring.

The birds are returning, the leaves are growing back, and new beginnings are happening.

It is the week of Odettes wedding celebration to Prince Daniel. A charming man, respected and fair, with eyes like the ocean and sky.

She does not love him.

Why? Because there is so much more love inside of her. Love for Daniel not. But for another...


Odette and Prince Daniel are on their usual Saturday stroll by the lake; the only place they can be alone from Lila and the rest of the enchanted population. The area is filled with flowery vines, peaceful streams which you can hop across on rocks and wildlife like none other. It is romantic, yet boring for Odette. She craves more.

The couple have been partaking in these strolls for two months now, after the incident with the evil, yet enticing Rothbart, who has not shown face since. Odette still wonders where he is and if he still thinks of her.

The new relationship has been quite overwhelming for Odette, for she has never been with a person in this sense before. She is new to this. In her perfect world she would be baking with her father, making chocoloate chip cookies; her favourite!

While lost in her thoughts on the stroll, all of a sudden, Daniel, or Dee, as Odette likes to call him, stops and faces her. "Odette, from the moment i layed my eyes upon yours, my brain has been flooded of the thoughts of spending the rest of my life with you. You are beautiful. You are kind and caring and love those around you unconditionally. You have the makings of a Queen. Will you be mine?"

Dee gets on one knee and pulls out of his satchel the most beautiful diamond ring, with silver patterns she has ever seen (not that she has seen many, however it surely was amazing).

"Oh Dee, i am not certain of what to say. We have not known each other for long." Odette responds hesitatingly.

"Odette. My dear Odette," exclaims Daniel, "does this not feel.. right? Yes, i am aware of the time frame. But a love and connection like this is worth the risk! Worth the jump!"

Odette is stunned. This relationship is now clearly one sided to her. However, she feels she has a duty. A royal duty. To protect her forest, and unite the two kingdoms as one.

"Odette.. Do you not feel the same?" Querys Daniel.

Minutes have past. Odette has been lost in her thoughts she had forgotten to answer.

"I will marry you, Dee." Odette says unenthusiastically.

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