Life as i see it

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It might not be good but i tried so comment and tell me what you think

Here is a little bit about Noah so you get to know her a little more if that makes any sense

My name is Noah I'm 15 years old I go to the worst school in the world its called sver high its full of the worlds creepiest people. The guys like to stare at your ass and boobs and from down the hall they do animal calls too you and its just so nasty i may not be the type of person that isn't a perv some times but i mean really this is just childish. The only reason i come to this pea ice of shit school was because my dad had to reroute to Texas for his job. i came from new york city with my mom dad and older brother and sister we had only live here for 3 months before my brother got dragged a way in cuffs. he had got arrested for having weed in his room and stolen goods in his closet. my sister is on probation for kicking someones ass and put her in the hospital and laughing in the girls face and called her a pansy ass bitch when our mom tried to get her to say she was wrong and and sincerely sorry. Even though she thought it was amazing that she had hospitalized the bitch but hey that why i love her to death.

I was waiting for the bell to ring so we can head up to our 1st period class when my best friend willow came up and screamed that she was a smurf, and me being just as weird told her that i was cooler because i was a Mexican ninja. Then we got in to this huge thing about who was cooler and why but it don't matter who won even though she seems to think she did. when we got up to class we sat at our desks, then our friend Leanne came in like she does every morning and says hello and then goes and talks to her boy friend john ugh i hate him. He is like every other guy i no he always thinks o him self and he always and i mean always likes to piss me off like its a game and its not. The only reason i still talk to him is because my mom knows his mom. As soon as i look over my crush walks in and yes i know i said that all guys are ass holes but he is different he is sweet and funn to talk to. His name is Steven he is so cute and he was the second person that talked to me when i moved here and i instantly liked him. I have never felt this way about any guy that i have dated or liked he makes me feel good in side.

I know its not much but i will eventually update thanks for takeing the time to read my story even though its not that good but it will get better over time


Its almost second period when my crush hands me a note and talls m not to read it till i get home. So i give him a look and say ok fine and stare at the note for the rest of the period and it makes my day go by even slower than it was 2 minutes ago. When the bell finaly rang i jumped up out of my seat and rn to my next class like it would make a differnence i stil had to face the class and how slow that goes by it sucks all i could think of is omg can this class go any slower. After for ever it was finaly the last class of the day when willow says " did you read the note yet what does it say come on readddd it" " I cant i have to wait till i get home to read it" i tell her "well thats dumb just read it now and tell him you read it when you got home". why does she have to make everything so hard. Ugh this sucks so much she is makeing my last period go by way to slow and its pissing me off omg i have ten more minutes left come on you dumb bell, ring already i no you want me to suffer but come on ring.

i no its a suky part to leave off at but will most likely be bored tomarrow and update and thanks so much for at least giveing my story a chance


the bell finaly rang and i booked it out the door but as i did i bumped in to someone and when i look up i see its steven and i smile and he is like "you didnt read it yet did you" and i said "no not yet thats why im trying to get home so i can". he looked at me cockeyed and said "well why dont you read it right now" "In front of you?" "Yea why not " i unfold the note and see what he said and its the sweetest thing in the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2011 ⏰

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