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everything in your point of view was black and white.

that is, until, you meet your soulmate where a burst of colors and cheesy rainbows would come to greet you the moment the two of you make eye contact.

the result is inevitable.

sometimes, you find yourself both nervous and excited when trying to catch someone's eye.

whether it happens intentionally or not, you always dread yet anticipate for the result.

but throughout your eighteen years of life, you remain, what people would call, 'blind'.

not that every single person on earth is lucky enough to meet their destined lover, some die without even getting to see them.

it was honestly tragic for those who ended up being like that.

and you desperately hoped you won't end up like them.

ever since your younger sister met her soulmate, she eagerly described to you every color she now has the liberty to see.

you envied her.

but at the same time you can't help but be happy for her.

especially when her soulmate treats her right.

as she should, god knows what you might do if she hurts your sister whether it be on accident or not.

but back to the story, you seriously don't know how you found yourself running down the stairs of your apartment, all the while being chased with what looked like a monster dying to eat your much, much smaller figure.

"what the fuck. what the actual fuck-" you let out a string of curses, how come no one's helping you?! did they think you were crazy?! couldn't they see a monster was coming after you?

but who were you kidding, it's three in the fucking morning. and some people just don't give two flying fucks about what's happening outside the comfort of their home.

but still! couldn't they hear you at all? where's help when you need them-

"ah!" you screeched, missing a step which resulted in you rolling down the last few steps of stairs. "ow.." you hit your head on the ground, how lucky is that? you cupped your forehead, noticing something liquidy on your hands which indicated you were bleeding.

"is this how i die?" you teared up. you didn't even get to meet your soulmate. didn't even have a chance to say goodbye to your sister. "no.." you gathered the last of your energy, willing yourself to stand up despite the wobbly feeling of your feet. your heart pounded against your chest, eyes widening at the realization that yes- the monster is now right in front of you, and had the fucking audacity to grin at your pathetic form.

you wanted to make a run for it. you really do. but you found yourself stilling like a statue, and you thought, if i run, will it really work? i don't- i don't think i can outrun something... like that..

"why.." you whimpered. why me?

you closed your eyes shut the moment the creature lifted its hand towards you. i'm so pathetic.. welcoming death like this.

"you're good." a voice - an unfamiliar one. you opened your eyes and relief flooded your system as you saw a girl, her hair tied into a ponytail, standing in front of the creature, her back turned to you.

you then spotted the arm of the ugly monster, lying a few feet away which you assumed was done by your savior.

and here i thought magic and powers didn't exist.

"leave this to me." she said before lunging forward. you took it as your cue to find a safe place to hide.

you were so confused. what was that creature? who was that girl? and last but not the least, are you dreaming?! last you checked, you didn't live inside a fantasy world so what the hell was all that?

are you being filmed? you foolishly looked around. nope, no cameras in sight. you slapped yourself and no, you didn't wake up which only left you with one option - this is fucking reality.

"what the hell is happeni- ah, shit!" you tripped on air. "this is so not my day,"

"need a hand there?"

"what?" you slowly lifted your gaze and the moment your eyes met hers, all you knew was that the world was not as dull anymore.

"oh?" she smirked, raising an eyebrow. "it seems i've found you, soulmate. the name's zenin maki."

you were still dumbfounded to reply to her. everything - it was just... it felt surreal. the colors your sister could only describe to you before - you can actually see them now! for real!

realization then hit you like a truck. snapping your eyes back to the girl still offering her hand to you, you introduced yourself before lifting yourself up with her help. "l/n y/n. n-nice to meet you, zenin-san."

she's gorgeous.

"let's get you patched up, yeah?"

"o-okay!" you beamed.

am i- am i possibly the luckiest girl in the world?

𝐖𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐠 / zenin makiWhere stories live. Discover now