Chapter 27: Ridiculous Grins and Feathery Mustaches

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"Alright guys!" I say loudly to my students. "Today, we're going to play some volleyball! So, I need Luke, Sara, Dennis, and Stephanie to come up here. We're going to be rotating through team captains each class period and you guys are first up for the role. Any questions?"

"No, Mr. Smith." They answer.

"Great! Then, Luke, go ahead and make your first choice!"

I stand off to the side, bouncing on the balls of my feet, as the captains form their teams. I'm pretty sure I look ridiculous, but I can't help it. All day, I haven't been able to stand still and I've had this enormous smile on my face. I can't get rid of it. Honestly, I don't want to. Though, it was a little difficult to stop an argument during fifth period with this grin plastered on my face the whole time. But I couldn't help it. I've never been so happy before in my life and it's all thanks to Allison.

This past weekend was better than I could have ever imagined it would be.

And it wasn't the hours of sex. I mean, that was great, but it was everything else that happened that made it so wonderful. She loved the picnic! Really loved it! And shifting with Allison for the first time was amazing. Playing hide and seek with her was the best. She really knows how to hide!

I should have known she would, but I've never seen her play outside of school before. I don't mean just hide and seek. When we were kids, she never came to the park to play tag or played the games at any of our classmates' birthday parties. She always stood quietly in the corner alone. I never knew why, but that doesn't matter now. She played with me and it was great!

That time she dropped her feathers on me... I felt as happy as a kid in a candy shop with their mom's wallet. Her feathers were so soft and light. It was like snapping up bits of cotton candy from the sky.

I thought the loose feathers were going to the highlight, but she actually let me lick her! It was incredible! She tasted just like I thought she would. Like wind and snow with a hint of bird.

I'll admit I was a little worried at one point after our picnic. On the way home, I promised myself that I was going to behave. I swore I wouldn't do anything. I really tried! I swear I did! I was only going to smell her once, just to get the craving out of my system. However, when she threw herself at me, I couldn't help myself. That first kiss was more than my mind could handle at the time.

Still, I did manage to pull away! I'm proud I was able to do that at least. But she's just so beautiful, so easy to love, and if I could, I'd spend every minute of every day with her. Plus, I've never felt that kind of electricity with someone before. Maybe it's because neither of us were holding back, but every time she touched me, I felt sparks. It just made everything so intense and so perfect.

After we exhausted ourselves, we hopped into the shower. Together I should add. I thought everything before that was great, but helping her bathe was even better. We didn't do anything physical. She was a little shaky after sex and I wanted to help her wash up. No one wants to go to sleep with their legs sticking together.

At least, I assume most women don't like that.

I know I'm not a fan of peeling my dick off my leg in the morning after everything's dried and crusty. It's gross and it kind of hurts. Either way, Allison seemed grateful for the help.

I hope she lets me help her again sometime. I'm not saying that to be creepy. I enjoyed the intimacy of it. The amount of trust she had to have in me is incredible. I know a lot of guys who would have taken the chance for a final round under the running water. On a different day, I might have been tempted myself, but she was weak and exhausted. She didn't need or want more sex. What she needed was a little help so she wouldn't hit her head on the side of the shower.

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