Extra 3# Part 2

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Dorothea nudge her head above the sky, seeing how tall the mountain was actually. It was a very tall mountain, almost as tall as the clouds.

The cool breeze blows her hair, making her shiver a bit. It was almost like a giant was blocking her path, making it difficult to see what was at the top. In front of her, she could see the car race starting point and she started to feel nervous.

Jasper was quick by her side, showering her with his kisses that got a giggle out from her lips. She smiled at him, feeling glad that he was here with her. Even though this was just a game, she knew that he wasn't comfortable with her driving on her own.

"You ready for this?" he asked with a raised eyebrow, causing her to nod enthusiastically. He smiled at her and started to lead the way.

They walk closer to where their family was gathered and see Esme second-guessing this game. The road seems pretty weak and there might be an animal hiding somewhere. And the thought of Dorothea driving and even slipping out the road made her scared but Carlisle was able to calm her anxious thoughts.

"Ok, the road only supports two cars at once," Alice said. With that, she brought out a board with her to count down properly, "Um, Esme and Bella will be up first." With that, the two girls went to their cars, Alice has given Edward and Carlisle a green light to accompany their partners in the passenger seat.

Jasper carefully brought Dorothea to the side of the road, arms around each other as they watch Esme and Bella ready their car. Esme was in a Porsche Cayman (2005) while Bella was in a Ford F-150 Supercrew (2001).

Alice look up the mountain seeing Dean waving down at her, signaling he was ready. Giving a signal to Emmet who stood in front of both cars, he has a white piece of cloth, portraying a grid girl as he playfully twirls around to show off his 'S' line.

Everyone laughed at the show it was putting on while Jasper covered Dorothea's eyes from the sight and Rosalie covered her own. They were lucky he wasn't in those tight skirts. Edward started getting annoyed at the sight, leaning over to Bella to honk the car loudly which earns a middle finger from Emmet.

"Ready! Set!" Emmet glances between Esme and Bella's determined eyes, "GO!" In a blink of an eye, two cars raced past Emmet who shrank away in fear. Using their vampire speed, everyone quickly which the top of the mountain to Dean who has his eyes sharp waiting for the first car to appear.

Everyone was placing their bet on who was going to win. Jasper leaned to whisper to Dorothea's ear, "Who're you betting on?" Dorothea had to hold her moan at how deep Jasper purposely made his voice. She knew he was trying to tease her but she didn't like it when he did it on purpose knowing she can't get what she wants at the moment.

She just rolled her eyes, "I'm not betting on anyone."

Jasper could only smile at her, knowing he was going to get his way tonight. He just needed to push her a bit more, he would get it later tonight when she was all alone. They stood on the side, watching the race. It was close, both cars going past the finish line with a few seconds to spare.

But in the end, it was the Esme that came in first, surprising the newborn as she never expected the 'mom' to be a reckless driver. 

"Round two people! Alice and Thea!"

Alice and Dorothea gave each other a playful glare, walking up to each other's faces. The Cullens burst in 'oohs' seeing the lively tension the girls had put up between them. They quickly got back to the bottom of the mountain track, each in their destined car.

Alice in her Bentley Continental GT (2003), and since Dorothea didn't have a car, she used one of Jasper's many, which is a Bugatti Veyron (2005).

Like in the first round, Emmet did his grid girl impression but Alice and Dorothea were in their zone, glancing at each other with a sneaking smirk from their car then Emmet as their engine roared between them. Jasper and Dean have decided to step away than accompany their wives.


Dorothea with no hesitation, even with no license stepped harshly on the gas pedal hitting her car with a head start before Alice which caused many questionable looks at how quick her instinct was.

The Cullens were all silent, witnessing the speed Dorothea had on the road. It was almost identical to how Jasper drove. She's copying Jasper's style yet her speed was carelessly fast.  She got a boost of confidence seeing she was in the first place. But in a blink of an eye, she was in second place when she accidentally hit a bump on the road, causing her to lose a few seconds. 

It didn't take long for her to catch up to Alice. They passed by their family who' using their vampire speed to get to the top to witness the winner. Alice and Dorothea were racing up the mountain, the lights were off and it was pitch black at the top as the sun has gone to sleep which cheered Dorothea up. She was confident this round, she knew she was going to win. They were in a straight line, a few turns, just up the mountain.

The two cars were almost on each other.

The Cullens waited in anticipation of who was going to win. At first, everyone's bet was on Alice but seeing how Dorothea was playing around with speed on the track made them doubt, turning their heads to Jasper who wasn't even that fazed by it.

They all turned their attention back to the race, seeing who was going to win. Dorothea and Alice were almost bumper to bumper but Dorothea didn't give up, she was determined to win this round. She was right behind Alice; she was going to pass her. She was going to show them all that she was a better driver than her.

They all looked at Dorothea again in amazed silence. She wasn't even holding back; she was going all out. She was racing up the mountain, leaving her lane. It was almost look like she collide with Alice, she was just going to show them how much of a daredevil she was.

The Cullens were all silent, all of them were in awe of Dorothea's newfound confidence. They were all wondering how she was able to get it so quickly. It didn't take long until Dorothea has passed the finish line with Alice behind her in a millisecond.

Dorothea won the race.

The Cullens were quiet, a few of them were surprised but Jasper knew Dorothea was going to win despite everything. Even though she wasn't a driver, she was still more experienced than most of the Cullens in every aspect. They all started cheering and clapping for Dorothea who got out of the car, her priority was to congratulate Alice and compliment her driving skills before Emmet sweeps her into his arms.

"THAT's MY SISTER! SHE WON!" Alice giggles jumping along with the Cullens as Emmet threw Dorothea up in the air. Edward and Carlisle slowly made their way to Jasper in secret as the rest of the family were too caught up with Dorothea's victory.

"Did you teach her before this?" Edward whispered, his eyeing Jasper up and down trying to get the truth out. "Maybe," Carlisle chuckled shaking his head, "Of course you did."

Jasper rolled his eyes playfully. Even if he did teach Dorothea a few lessons back on how to drive, the whole family knew how easily Dorothea was to pick up on things and turn them into her talent. She was so fast and so smart Jasper knew all her ability was natural.

However, in the end, Dorothea lost the race against the others, earning her the loser. Luckily though, it was Rose who won so all is had to do was go shopping with her and spend some girls' night out. Which of course, their spouse had to accompany.

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