2021 pt. 2 (FINAL)

882 47 55

Yang Jungwon






That wasn't an illusion?

Just then I saw the guy that got the flowers and Choon Hee, standing together.

She took the flowers from him gently as she placed them on the stone.

I ran over to her.

"Choon Hee" I said, softly.

"Babe" I continued.

She wasn't paying attention to me at all.

As if I wasn't here.

As if she didn't see me.

"Mosh?" I quietly spoke, my tears started welling up in my eyes as my voice cracked a little.

This is scary.

I'm so scared.

What does this mean?

What is even happening?

Why can't I touch things?

Why can't she hear me?

Why can't she see me?

Why is my name on there?

I thumped myself onto the grass and sat there, in front of Choon Hee and that random guy.

I sat in front of my stone?

My gravestone?

Was I dead?

How the hell did I even die?


This can't be true.

I must be dreaming.

I chuckled to myself as the tears continued flowing down my face.

"This is just a dream." I whispered to myself, before I shut my eyes tightly, took my hand and pinched my arm, super hard.

I winced in pain.

As I opened my eyes,

I was still in front of,

My gravestone.

I bit my lip hard enough for it to bleed.

The tears never stopped flowing down my face.

I watched them, sadly as she linked her arms with his and she leaned her head on his shoulder.

What was I supposed to say?

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