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As I wake up I can smell the fresh grass and tree bark from the new Neverland spring trees. I could hear the salt water crashing on the sand and feel the cool breeze on my skin.

As I awake I smell something, unusual in the air. Cooking? Can't be, no one in Neverland new how to cook. Well other than me of course. I turn to see my lovely boyfriend. Until I realized he was no where to be found.

"Peter!" I call out. "I'm out here love!" What in the hell could he be doing up this early? No, no way. Is he.. cooking! This is something i must see to believe.

I walk out to see nothing. Surprisingly. "Back here!" I walk to the back of the tent to see his perfect figure. Green eyes, buff upper body, brownish blond curly hair, cute smile, pretty much everything anyone could ask for. "Sit, I made you breakfast" "Peter you shouldn't have." "Of course I did dear." I walk over to him and see every perfect feature he has.

As he sits me down I can see the breakfast he has prepared for me. Eggs in a basket, bacon, hash browns, and orange juice. "Are you trying to make me fat?" I laugh. "Of course not, just trying to be nice" he smirked. I wasn't buying this sweet act. "Ok, what do you want? Is there something you need to tell me? Did you kill anyone?" "No! What kind of person do you think I am?" "What kind of dumb question is that?!" We laughed.

"You know, I really do appreciate this Peter." "I knew you would. Let's just call it, something special for a special someone." I looked into his green eyes and smiled. "So am I always gonna get this?" "Don't get cocky now! This is a one time thing!" "Aw poo." I leaned over and kissed him as he smiled while I enjoyed my special one time thing.

Peter Pan & Robbie Kay ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now