Meeting my real dad

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In the morning Izumi wakes up and goes to the kitchen to see that her parents are there with breakfast.

Izumi: Good morning guys.

Toshinori and Inko: Hello Birthday Izumi

Toshinori : So today we are going to celebrate your birthday and tomorrow we will train you how to use OFA.

Izumi: Ok

Meanwhile with Izuku

He wakes up and goes to a beach, he feels happy that he is free from that place. A man sees Izuku sitting on the sand.

???: Hello there

Izuku turns his head to see a man with black hair and red eyes. He's wearing a gray shirt and black pants.

Izuku: Oh hi there sir.

???: I have two questions to ask you.

Izuku: Ok what are they?

???: First what is your name?

Izuku: Izuku

???: Last name?

Izuku: I don't have a last name.

???: What is your mother's name?

Izuku then was scared, he thought the man was going to take him back to his family. He just answered

Izuku: Inko Yagi. He said the name with venom.

The man's eyes widen.

???: Izuku???

Izuku: Yes?

???: It is me, your father.

Izuku eyes widen
Izuku: What are you talking about?

The man revealed to Izuku that he was Izuku biological father and his name was Hisashi Midoriya. They cried and hugged Each other tightly.
Izuku: Dad!!

Hisashi: Son!!

Izuku: Where were you all this time?

Hisashi: After Me and your mother got married, she was pregnant with you but then she cheated on me with that man who was your step father.

They told each other everything about themselves and Hisashi was shocked and angry at Inko for neglecting him. They went to Hisashi's house and it was a beautiful house.

 They went to Hisashi's house and it was a beautiful house

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Hisashi showed Izuku his own room.

Hisashi showed Izuku his own room

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Hisashi celebrate his son's birthday with nice party

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Hisashi celebrate his son's birthday with nice party.

Meanwhile at the Yagi house.

They were celebrating Izumi birthday until the door bell rang. Toshinori answered the door and it was Aizawa, The Todoroki family, Hizashi, Nemuri, The Bakugo family and Nezu with presents. Toshinori let them in and they happy birthday to Izumi.

Few minutes later
Shoto asks where Izuku was?

Inko: ( That brat) Maybe in his room, I will get him.

She knocked on izuku bedroom door.

Inko: Hello izuku, can you pls come out of your room everyone is waiting for you.

She knocked again and opened the door to see blood on the floor  and on the bed. She screamed, everyone heard her and went to her. They saw the room they were shocked, it was like it was abandoned . There was dust and spider webs on the walls, ripped posters of All might,blood on the floor and bed also pills and dirty bandages on the floor.

Aizawa asked: Toshinori, Inko why does Izuku's room look so bad?

They said they don't know. Shoto found a letter.

Shoto: Guys I found a letter.

Everyone looked at him, Shoto reads at the letter and he was shocked.He gave the letter to Aizawa and he reads it. He was furious, he look at Toshinori and punch him in the face. Everyone was shocked and Asked why did he do that?

Aizawa: Toshinori and Inko were Neglecting and abusing Izuku.

Everyone was shocked.He read it and it said:

Dear Yagi Family

If you found this letter, it means you noticed that I ran away. If you are wondering why did I run away because you have been abusing me for 11 years and Izumi, Katsuki, Katsumi have been bullying me. they almost beat me up to death. The teacher does nothing about it but watch it. Shoto was the only one who cared for me and helped me during that time. Tell Shoto that he was the best friend I could ever have. Also Uncle and Aunts if your reading this thank you for loving and caring for me.

Izuku ( no last name )

P.s: I hate you Yagi family and I know about Toshinori and inko being All might and Emerald also I know about One for all.

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