Episode 1

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James: So, you boys ready to see me crush Slytherin in the upcoming quidditch game,
Peter: Of course! You're gonna kill it James!
Sirius: Yeah, wormtail here is going to be in front row with a banner with your face on it.
Remus: Leave Wormtail alone Padfoot.
James: Yeah Padfoot, a banner with my face on would look amazing.
Lily: *from behind them* Yeah, you would think that, wouldn't you Potter? Then again you probably make out with yourself in the mirror, you're that full of yourself.
James: *turns around and faces her* Oh hey Evans. What can we help you with?
Lily: You can't help me with anything Potter. I just need to ask Remus what we're doing about prefects duty tonight.
Sirius: *whispers in his ear* Full tonight.
Remus: *nods his head at Sirius* I'm unavailable tonight. Sorry lily.
Lily: Right. I get it. You'd rather mess around with your trouble maker friends. Don't worry. I'll cover your ass, again. *storms off*
James: *once she's out of earshot* If only she knew. You think she'd pick a pattern up, with how smart she is and all.
Sirius: Even when you're upset at her, you still find a way to compliment her. What do you see in her anyway?
James: What can I say? I like the feisty ones.

At dinner time.

James: Ok Remus, the moon should be coming out around 6:30. Just make sure you're in the shack by 10 past. We'll be with you by twenty to.
Remus: I know James. You've only told me every night this week. Don't worry.
James: I just don't want to set you on the rest of the school. Someone could get hurt.
Sirius: Well, unless it's snivilius...
James: No Padfoot. I'm up for some tormenting now and then but I don't wish the guy dead.
Peter: And that's what makes it so amazing James!
Sirius: Wipe your chin wormtail. You're drooling.
Peter: *quickly sits up and wipes his chin and the others start laughing*
Remus: You're so gullible Wormtail.
Lily: *walks up to them* I just spoke to McGonagall and she told me you need to give her a reason why you're unable to do tonight.
Remus: *shares nervous glances with the others*
James: Well Evans, if you can go and fetch McGonagall we'll be more than happy to tell her.
Lily: She told me to get the messa- *gets cut off*
Sirius: Evans, this is a private matter and we would prefer if it was told directly to a teacher and not have another student play owl.
Lily: Fine! *walks off to the staff table and gets McGonagall then comes back and stands behind her*
McGonagall: So what seems to be the issue Lupin? Why are you unable to do duties tonight?
James: *sees lily still standing behind McGonagall* Hey Evans! Can we have some privacy?
Lily: And why should I listen to you Potter?
Sirius: Like I said before. This is a private matter and nothing to do with you.
Remus: *gives lily a pleading look*
Lily: Fine. *walks off and sits down at the other end of the table*
McGonagall: Now will you tell me what the issue is that you won't be able to do your duties?
Remus: *in a low voice so that they can't be overheard* It's a full moon tonight Professor. I'll be in the shack.
McGonagall: *lowers her voice and leans in* Are you sure it's wise you talk about these in front of these students? *looks at the other marauders*
James: Professor, we're the ones who look when it's full moon.
Sirius: And see what time it will be out.
Peter: And remind him to be there at least twenty minutes before, for safety measures.
James: We may like to cause trouble, but we would never let him harm another student.
McGonagall: *looks at the three of them then back to Remus* You have some good friends Lupin. Keep them close. I shall tell ms. Evans that you are unable to do it tonight.
Remus: Tell her I'll make it up to her.
McGonagall: *nods curtly at him and walks down to where lily is sat*
James: How are we more on top of these things than the teachers? I mean it's there job to keep us safe.
Sirius: I know right? It's like we're basically doing their job for them.

Later that evening, with Prongs, Padfoot and Wormtail about to leave the common room.

Lily: Hold it! *walks over to them* Where do you three think you're going?
James: To the library to do some homework. What is the crime now? Going to the library?
Sirius: Besides, 5th years are allowed out until 9pm so it's not after hours either.
Lily: Hmm, and where's your good buddy "Moony"?
Sirius: He's shattered so he's gone to bed.
Lily: Has he now? I think I'll go check on him. *walks towards the stairs*
James: *blocks her* He asked us to make sure no one disturbed him while he rests.
Sirius: How about you keep your nose out of other people's business Evans.
Peter: *looks at his watch* Come on guys. We need to go or else the good seats at the library will be taken.
James: Yeah. Let's go. *turns to lily* If you'll let us?
Lily: I guess.

They go out and down to the whomping willow.

James: Ok Wormtail. You're up.
Peter: On it. *transforms*
Wormtail: *runs under the tree and freezes it*
James and Sirius: *slides under the tree*

The next episode will take place the next morning.

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