What you can find in the forest

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It was a nice and beautiful day the sun was shining the birds where singing and the most beautiful creature was sitting in a patch of flowers her hair was brown as oak wood, eyes as dark as chocolate, wings as shiny as glitter and and smile as bright as the sun.
 The lady was sitting by a lake holding a flower and day-dreaming suddenly her day-dreaming stopped when she heard a thud behind her as fast as lighting she turns around only to see a blonde young boy and next to him was a smaller boy who's face was covered in scars and to the left of him was a girl who looked very similar to him, the same color of hair and eyes. This confused the mistress she had never seen these boys and girl before.
One things for sure she wasn't going to leave them there with the flick of a wrist she had summoned a vine that was coated with flowers and with a few hand gestures the vines picked up the children and they where on their way to a special and beautiful place, her kingdom.

One things for sure she wasn't going to leave them there with the flick of a wrist she had summoned a vine that was coated with flowers and with a few hand gestures the vines picked up the children and they where on their way to a special and beau...

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(art not mine forgot who made it)

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