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I Giorni, Ludovico Einaudi


The way he presented himself was as violent as the noise he dragged from that poor little violin- his movements were sharp and precise, yet also like that of a man in a street fight. The way his music reached the audience, the way they were enraptured by the ferocity of his his playing and watching as he practically dragged his accompanist through the dirt; As a pianist, it made me feel pity, but as a musician...

Who does he think he is, pointing a dagger at the audience?

I felt my friend Seraphina place her hand on mine, her face showing hints of concern- "you ok?" she whispered to me, and I couldn't keep myself from smiling at her. "Yes, I'll be fine" I could tell she saw through my faux statement, but I was relieved when she decided not to question it; she's never pushed me too hard, I've always liked that about her.

I turned my head towards the stage, my attention almost instantly shifting to the boy on stage, hearing the boy's playing started to come to a soft completion... looking at him now, his eyes staring daggers at the audience as he brought his bow down gracefully- he was, without a doubt, very talented...

and annoying.

I watched the red-head make a swift exit after bowing deeply before the crowd. The audience erupted into cheers as the boy made it offstage, but all I could feel was upset. He took this competition for granted- he had the skill to go on, but he wasted it on ranting to the unknowing audience.

I tagged along with Sera and her friends as we walked out of the stadium, watching as the pink-ette, Remi, ran up and told that red-head how cool he was on stage, his other friend... I forgot his name, agreed with her. I followed behind Sera as she stepped closer, smiling down at the violinist with a thumbs up.

"Great job out there Blyke," yes, that's the boy's name. Blyke... I glanced over, catching the soft yet awkward smile gracing his lips, face flushing a bit at the compliment- "Haha, you really think so...?" I could tell he knew what he did back there. I could tell he was relieved that none of his friends noticed...

But I noticed.

"What the hell do you think you were doing out there?" I subconsciously voiced my thoughts, watching as the red-head turned to me, as well as Sera and his friends. I saw his brows furrowed and knit together, Remi frowning with an angry expression. "Who do you think you are, insulting him like that!" the other boy with them chimed in defensively "Yea man, he played great out there."

I felt my chest grow tight- I am so not backing down from this one. "So, you aren't musicians, should've guessed when you didn't notice his erratic rage on the stage," I looked down pointedly at the girl, then back to the other boy. They looked a little defeated at that statement, the red head coming to stand in front of me. "I don't know who you think you are, but I won't let you off just because you're friends with Seraphina."

I glared down at him before speaking, not picking my words carefully. "Says the one who practically threatened the audience with his bow like it was a dagger," I watched his face grow pale, anger seeming to drain from it bit by bit. "You should play your anger out elsewhere instead of taking it out on an audience who applauded for a street fight." The look on his face gave everything away, even to his friends; it was true.

"This was a complete waste of the judges time, and if it were me," I glared at him pointedly, watching his defeated face stare back at me. "I would've gotten up from that piano and left you to play alone." He looked like he was going to cry- I wouldn't be able to handle that, I'd just start to feel bad; so I stormed off outside, not bothering to wait for the results. I knew he wouldn't pass with such an aggressive performance.

I heard Sera apologize quickly before running after me, slowing down to a normal walking speed as she caught up. She looked over at me, then in front of us. I couldn't help but feel the anger resonate through my body, my pace quickening to match the rage in my head. Her voice quickly and suddenly broke me out of my clouded thoughts. "You understood him back there, didn't you?" she's always known me so well.

"I hate it when you're right like that"


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