|Worry and Sad|

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"We never known eachother but we are connected in somewhere"

"What happened?" Mr.park rushed to stop the doctor who just exit the Emergency room. He removed his mask to tell something to nurse who rused behind him.

"As a doctor I could hide everything but You're close to me, so that I'm saying this to you.." The doctor whispered as he make Mr.park to come far from the old lady who crying while sat on the waiting hall.

"Just tell me Namjoon, whatever it could be.. I'll face it" Mr.park said as he got more panic on Namjoon's hesitate.

"Is there any of his last wish yet to come, just make it true..or We can't see-" Namjoon just paused to say that horrible word as Mr.park just looked down while his tears crossed his cheeks.

"I'm sorry uncle park" Namjoon said and looked at the old lady who leaned on the wall while sniff while using her white handkerchief. "Where is him?" Namjoon asked as Mr.park wiped his tears "I didn't inform him, I don't know how he gonna handle this"

"He love his grandpa so much" Namjoon said and nodded, "Please be strong uncle park, look at her- " he pointed at old lady who being a sniffing mess "Please be strong for her atleast"

Mr.park nodded slowly "Can I see him?"

"He is sleeping, I'll infrom you once he awake" Namjoon assured "Eat something and make her eat.. I'll infrom people to bring your meal here" He said and heeled up to leave.

Mr.park sighs while wiped his tears as he approached the old lady "Mom! Father is already in healing, Namjoon assured it too...why are you crying over nothing?" Mr.park faked to make her feel little calm.

She slowly looked at him, "Son! At this age, we already knew where we going to be...Don't console me..let me cry out" she said politely as Mr.park hugged her tightly "I'm sorry Mom"


"What's his plan? What he gonna do his life?" Mr.Jeon asked as he cut the pancake using his fork and chewed it calmly.

"Honey, let him decide that..don't rush him" Mrs.Jeon said while drink the orange juice and try to calm his husband.

"I'm not rushing him, I've been asking this since he completed his studies, but He just Ignored us and went to clubs, tho he still thinks that we don't know about that" Mr.Jeon said as he shaked his head.

"Do you even know that he finished his studies or not?" She sighed "He thinks that we almost forgot that he Jumped out on his window at every Midnight where we simply saw him through cctv"

"Cheesey! why he is dump? Is he really My son?"

"He had your blood"

"Honey please, Can we be serious with him?" Mr.Jeon said as he wiped his lips as he finish eating, "Calm down Honey, he will be alright. He just 23."

"When I was 23, I was CEO of my company and own 3 cars and 2 Mansion and married to you already"

"When I was 23, I had second baby on my lap" Mrs.Jeon laughed "Which was never planned" Mr.Jeon also laughed at her.

"Mom" A voice raised as the foot steps approached them, "I think, I lost My face wash cream..did u saw them?" An girl around 16 screamed at her while wearing pink pajamas printed all in Moon along with her slipper printed tiny glitters Moon. Her blonde hair are messy which is directed in different location.

"Susan, it's in your cupboard" she told her calmly, instead of going backㅡsusan made herself sat on the dinning table "It's yummy" she eyed everything.

"Here, let me feed you" Mr.Jeon said as he picked the salad and cutted it tiny piece then feeded her.

"Mom! I'm hungry" another tired face approched them as she lazily sat on the chair beside her Mom. She wear blue pajamas with star on it, along with tiny glitters star slippers. "Here, breakfast ready" her Mother said and feed her piece of pancake.

Mr.Jeon smiled at them, this is there Morning routine of them. The twin sister and perfect husband. Mrs.Jeon was beyond happiness what else she need in her life.


"What happened?" He rushed to the hospital and stopped once he saw Namjoon. Namjoon was about to say something to him "Jimin" someone called him, as Jimin runned to him.

"Appa, what happened grandpa? He is okie right? He made it right?" He did paused for a second as he keep asking his fatherㅡjust to hear 'he is okie' but that doesn't come from his father.

"He will be fine Minie, that's the hope" Jimin's grandma said as he weekly smiled at him, Jimin started to sob as he hugged her tightly.

He only had his grandparents and his father, he really can't imagine a life without them.

"I wanna see him" Jimin said as he withdrawn the hug, "He is tired and sleepy. We can meet him once he awake Now go and eat"

"No, dad! I can't ㅡ"

"No Minnie go and eat. Your grandpa will never aprove you to meeet him being empty stomach" Jimin's granny scold him calmy , Jimin sighs as he leaved the room with empty hearted.

After Jimin leave, Namjoon rushed to them "He is awake"


New one! 🥀🍓

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