Light Leads The Way

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        "Ito? Where does that girls mind go? Ito!" at last she snaps out of the daze she was in. "Wait, what?" stunned Ito mutters "It's happening again, isn't it?" a concerned Leo asks. "What? No, I'm fine, just didn't sleep well last night." Ito lies. Even after being friends with Leo for almost 10 years, she still doesn't tell him about the inklings and the tugging to do "something" and never knowing what. "I saw you space out like that before Ito, last time it was because of the night terrors." Ito tenses up, "No, no night terrors, it was just really warm last night, and you know how I do in the heat." realizing Leo wasn't about to let up tell Leo everything. "I've been getting this inkling or tugging, that something is gonna happen or I need to do something. However, the problem is I don't know what!" that was the most she's ever told anybody and somehow she felt a relief. "Okay, so you're telling me that you have a "feeling" that something is gonna don't know what...and you want to do something about it...the thing you don't know about?" Ito nods warily, "Yes?" Just then to clear up the awkward silence that filled the area, Leo's phone rings. Ito gesture for him to go ahead and answer it. Getting up, Leo nods and walks away answering the call. Now alone with her thoughts, again, she closed her eyes and tried to collect her thought, for the fifth time today. "It's getting harder and harder to focus, I probably should go see my psychiatrist." Suddenly Ito felt like crying, she didn't know why, but she was ready to sob. She gathered everything she had bought with her to Leo's house, and leaves quietly. Driving home was interesting because she had to remember that she was driving and couldn't break down, in her car, in the middle of the freeway. Making it home, the feeling hasn't subsided if anything it had gotten worse. Opening her front door, she runs in slams the door shut and collapses to the ground in a fit of tears. "Why am I crying? What's happening to me?" she calls out. No answer, which only reminded her of her desire to belong somewhere or with someone. Panic rose in her, and the only thing that she can think to do is call her Staza Myra. "Call Myra, she'll have an idea of what to do." Barely able to make out the numbers on her keypad, she dials and anxiously waits for Myra to answer the call. At last after what seemed like ages, the line picks up, "Yello?" a cheerful voice rings through the line. Staza Myra has always been cheerful and bubbly. She's been that way for as long as Ito could remember. Myra had been by her side since she was little, she had both her parents, but they were at war with each other to actually be with their daughter. Myra Shakily, Ito responds, "Hi, Staza Myra." trying desperately to calm and contain herself. "Ito? Oh my! It's been a while. How are you?" Myra asks cheerfully. A small battle went on inside of Ito, "Should I just tell her, or should I play it off like I'm checking in? What should I do?" Finally, Ito caves in and asks, "Have you ever been somewhere and felt like you needed to be prepared for anything. Like a confrontation or something?" There's a long dead silence on the other line. "Hello?" Ito panics for a moment. A small sigh comes from Myra's end, "I prayed for a while that you would learn what that feeling meant. I've also prayed you wouldn't be frightened by it." Myra begins, "The feeling that you have, to sum it up, is called, "Beri" it means, " The One who is Called." Taking a moment to process what was just said. "What are you trying to say? That I'm special or something?" Ito asks half-jokingly and half-hoping. A light chuckle echos through the phone, "Yes, Ito. I'm saying that you're very special. I've always told you, that you were made to do something great. You've been running from that feeling, in hopes that it would eventually go away, haven't you?" shaken that Myra even knew this, she hesitates to answer, "Yes? But I don't know what I'm supposed to do." " When was the last time that you, sat down and listened to the One who created you? When was the last time you had a conversation, and not just a "Help me"? A serious Staza asks. Ito takes a moment to contemplate, and as shes thinking, she can't fully remember the last time she talked to Him. "Honestly, I cant remember." Ito finally responds. "I thought so. Here's what I want you to do. Go to your room and find a corner. Say, "Show me Your light.", wait and see what happens." Myra instructs. Skeptical, Ito agrees, says goodbye and does as she was instructed. Walking up to her room, she feels a heavy weight fall on her like a ton of bricks. Struggling to keep her balance she makes it to her room and in the farthest corner she collapses under the pressure. Ito closes her eyes and opens her hands, palms facing the sky, taking a deep breath she utters the words, "Show ME Your light." For a while nothing happened and Ito was going to give up and just lay down. Suddenly, her hands started getting warm, initially she thought, "It's 90 degrees outside, its bound to be a either warmer or cooler in here." Her hands started warming up to the point where they almost stung from the heat. Panicking she gets up from the floor, and sprints to the bathroom to run her hands under some cold water, before they began blistering. "What's going on? What is this? What's happ-" her phone rings... Myra again, and Ito is reluctant about answering, worried she'd melt her phone from the heat in her hands, but she does. "Yea?" she answers. "Whatever, you do, when you start experiencing something, DO NOT PANIC." "Ummmm" Ito begins "You panicked...didn't you? Myra sighs, "I'll be there in twenty minutes, just unlock the door and go back to the corner where you were." Ito still slightly panicking, "Okay." Hanging-up she does as she was told. Twenty minutes later Myra comes in, and walks up stairs to find Ito bent over on her knees holding her hands. She rushes over, kneels down next to Ito and says, "From now on, light leads the way."

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