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this story may seem really sad to some and really dumb to others but i think you have to actually be hit by your father to under stand i might have not ever lived with my father but my mom is the worlds greast mom and no matter what will always be there the only reason she is a bad person in this story is because i had o change it up a little bit but sorry about talking so much but i just wanted to tell you why i wrote this story comment let me no what you think and vote if you like it

RUNN HE IS COMING" i screamed as i ran down the hall my little sister came runnig after. She was crying because she couldnt keep up and was scared that our dad was going to catch her. So i picked her up and Said " Iza I promise i will never ever let dad hit you ever again" she looked me in the eye and said " Ravon why cant we just runn away like in the movies". Me hearing this come from a 6 year old little girl made it harder for us to stay " because this isnt a movie hun its real life and he will find us". We had finally got away to our hideing spot were he has never found us, then i explaned to Iza why we couldnt leave an how if we did he would play the im a good father card, like he did when i ran way when i was her age i am now 16 an the only reason i am still here is because of her, so i know that she is safe at all times and that she gets feed and told that she is loved and show her that someone cares. when all was calm down stairs we went down and saw dad waiting in his favoret chair faceing the tv. "I knew you would eventually come down" then he looked at us and smiled " im sorry girls you know your my every thing and that even thoug it looks like i want to hurt you i never will" then he looked back at the tv " Ravon can you go make some dinner for me you and your sister". muttering under my breath i did as i was told with out saying a word. Then Iza came out to the kitchen to help and dad more drunk than he was befor back handed me and my sister and called us both lazy whores and that no matter what he did for us we never did any thing good in return.


when i finaly finished makeing dinner my dad like he always did tryed to suck up and be all sweet and tell me that dinner was good and that i was a better cook than our mom was. If your wondering were my mom is he left me and iza here with this psyco of a father and didnt care about us and never will. She got remarried and had twins that i will never see they are about 1 year old and i have one picture of them that she sent me when they were born. The next day i woke up to my sister crying i jump up and go and see what happened and my dad is beating "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING" i say he looks at me and back hands me and i fall to the floor " Who the HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TALKING TO ME LIKE THAT LIL GIRL YOUR LUCKY I DONT BEAT YOU IN TO NEXT WEEK" he tells me like he has the right to talk to me like that i have been practicly takeing care of his dumb ass and this is what i get oh hell no. " I THINK IM THE SISTER TO THE ONE THAT YOU SEEM TO THINK IT ALRIGHT TO BEAT FOR NO FUCKING REASON" i screamed and got really close to his face and was about to hit him when he knocks me out. A few hours later i wake up to Iza crying and saying, "please dont be dead oh please dont be dead i would die ith out you here" i looked at her and said, " dont worry im here till the day till i turn 18 and can take you to live with me and he will never ever tuch us again and that is a promise".


I no its been a while since i updated iv been really buissy

When i woke up the next morrning i walk in to my sisters room and she is gone i run to see if she is hiddin and she is no were to be found. I go to my dads room and he is sleepining i runn out side to find her drawing on the sidewalk with chalk and she look up at me "good morrning i didnt want to wake you sorry if i scared you" she looked terrifyed with every word that rushed out of her. I look at the other side of her face and see a huge bruse and asked what happend she looked at me scraed for her life and said "dad hit me after you fell asleep last nite and made it so you couldnt hear me cry" im about to loose it when dad comes out and was like " my two beautiful lil girls" i can tell he hasnt had a drank yet. i take iza in side and tell her to pack her stuff because were leavein she does as i say and when dad passes out again were gone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2011 ⏰

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