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"i'm such an idiot," soojin cried, her hands cupping her face as she sank into the plush, white couch in kun's apartment

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"i'm such an idiot," soojin cried, her hands cupping her face as she sank into the plush, white couch in kun's apartment. he was sat beside her, rubbing comforting circles into her back as she sobbed.

he hadn't seen her like this in a year, and soojin felt like the hadn't cried since then. "you were right, it felt too soon. it felt off. but i thought it was because maybe i was still hung up on jaehyun," she confessed, voice shaky and uneven as she took several breaths to calm herself. "i was just so infatuated by yuta."

kun scooted closer, allowing soojin to drop her head on his shoulder as she continued crying. he pitied her. she didn't deserve this, no one did. but seeing someone you love hurt just makes you feel worse.

"it'll be alright," he cooed as he ran his fingers through her hair and massaged her head. he knew it was aching, she used to always complain about how crying made her head hurt.

rubbing her shoulder again, kun finally noticed the familiar grey fabric and knit his brows together. "i thought you said you burned this hoodie?"

the girl scoffed out a laugh, "i lied." sniffling, soojin was able to calm herself down enough to speak in pouts. "kun, i'm sorry."

he turned her way in confusion, "for what?"

huffing a gentle sigh, soojin snuggled further against his shoulder as she spoke, her arms looping loosely around his. "for what i did to you. how we broke up. it must not have felt very different from how i'm feeling right now."

kun was speechless, utterly dumbfounded by her teary confession. after what felt like hours of silence, the man was able to stutter out a small, "what?"

"when i freaked out on you... you didn't deserve that. i should have been more mature, and i'm sorry." her voice was small but growing less choked with sobs. he knew she meant it.

"soojin, i was never..." he paused. then sighed. "i understood. it was a lot to ask of you."

the ravenette shook her head, "no, but i should have been honest from the start. i knew what you wanted, what you still want. you'd be a great husband and father."

kun blushed red when he caught the sincerity in soojin's eyes. he wasn't sure what to say, not expecting the comforting session to turn into this.

"... i didn't need any of that if it wasn't with you... at least at the time," he finally spoke, clearing his throat afterward and looking away in embarrassment.

soojin could feel her heart breaking in her chest because she knew that was the type of man kun was. always putting others before himself, always trying to be the best he could, always valuing others' happiness... he deserved more.

sitting up, the girl allowed her shoulders to sink back into the couch as she turned his way, kun's own gaze trained on his fidgeting fingers.

"you were my right person wrong time," she stated, her words melting into the air as kun's hands stilled. then, he met her eyes and smiled. "and you were mine."

•they make me feel thingsss

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they make me feel thingsss

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