the big day

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It was a peaceful morning (not) [m/n] was still in bed with heavy ass eyes that can drift off to sleep any moment but he remembered the important flight that woke him up (more like his mother yelling at his brother to stop being slow at freaking walking like lady it's 5 in the morning chill) [m/n] was a quite person never talked to anyone hell even when his dad's friends came over he would be too afraid to talk to them but don't let the boy fool you he was clever, real clever..
°{m/n} pov~
"[M/N] GET YOUR ASS UP WE'RE GONNA BE LATE" yelled mother dearest at 5 in the fucking morning "COMING IN A FEW, AND STOP YELLING." 'the neighbour are gonna be pissed.. oh well atleast we're not gonna be here anymore in forever :D' I thought as I got out of bed and brush my teeth and all before going downstairs once I got out of restroom I decide what to wear 'hmm what should I wear for ThE bIg DaY' 'OH I should totally go for the e-boy look I would look hot af 😍👉👈'

I thought as I put on some eMo clothes on
"Dyumn the Asian was too stunned" I chuckled to myself because going downstairs with my stuitcase, charger, phone and skateboard.

• this is what you're wearing btw

•• "OMFG ITS AN EMO BITCH" [b/n] yelled "like your preppy go luck ass is any better plus I'm hot as fuck unlike you" [b/n] dramatically gasped "how dare you!" "I dared" soon sitting down at the dining table "now now boys it's early don't shout we ...

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"OMFG ITS AN EMO BITCH" [b/n] yelled "like your preppy go luck ass is any better plus I'm hot as fuck unlike you" [b/n] dramatically gasped "how dare you!" "I dared" soon sitting down at the dining table "now now boys it's early don't shout we have a plane to catch" my dad says while sipping a cup of coffee "damn this coffee is horrible" me and [b/n] sweatdrop as mom was glaring at dad from freaking kitchen which made dad shiver. "Alright you all we are finnally going to Japan!"mom said excitedly "Yea like we totally won't move again" [b/n] added "we only came here to Singapore for my work and you know that" I sign as I put the disposal plates in the bin "I'll be waiting in the car hurry up you peasents.." I said leaving with my things

"DAD OPEN THE TRUNK DAMNIT" I said when I heard the car open I put my stuff in before flopping onto the back seat of my *chough* black sleek Bentley continental GT V8 *chough* I take my phone out and go to my playlist and press shuffle before opening Wattpad, cuz why tf not?? "BAHAHA I'm so screenshoting this shit" I said a few minutes later I saw my family leaving the mansion (did I say that [m/n] was rich rich?) "Oh my god finnally it was so awkward eating breakfast in an empty mansion plus since y'all being so generous to let me and my dear younger brother stay in different mansions here's 50 dollers from me accept it or get a shoe waching" [b/n] said while handing the money to our parents I watched from the car as my parents tease my elder brother I sign befor click on °00:00 by BTS° on my Spotify playlist moments after my dad starts the car we all say goodbye to our dear old mansion and getting ready for a new life in a new one in Japan ......... Forever that is and you all know..


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