Heart Of Gold -- Robin Chooses Marian

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"What's this?" Marian asks as Robin walks into the room, looking down at his phone. He stops - knowing exactly what she is talking about - unsure what he should say.
She shows him the screen and his heart flutters at the sight of her. Regina. Smiling up at him from the phone, nothing but kindness in her eyes.
Marian continues, sounding slightly annoyed. "Why is Regina's number on here?" Immediately his heart starts to pound, hearing her name being too much to bare, the separation agonizing. Yet suddenly he is full of guilt. Marian is his wife. He made a vow.
But Regina is the one he loves.
"I'm sorry," he says, although a more rational part of him asks why. Why should he feel sorry that he has her number? He has Emma's and David's, among several other's as well. Why is she any different from them? Yet the guilt remains, he knows he cannot lie about the way he feels. "I've been thinking about her." A lot, he adds in his mind, but he doesn't dare say it out loud.
"Do you want to be with her?" Marian asks, her voice breaking slightly, only worsening his guilt. He remains silent, yet the silence is deafening. Marian continues, "I feel like you're here, but you're not here. I know this is hard. But you need to make a choice."
Robin takes a deep breath. He chose this. Being faithful, staying with his family. Yet every day without her, every moment knowing he may never see her again, is the worst kind of torture.
"I don't want to have to worry about who I'm with." Marian starts, and hearing the pain in her voice is an all new kind of torture in its own. "I'm here. Roland and I are fine. If you want to go back to Regina then go back to her, but you have to decide what you want."
He gives her a painful smile. A part of him wants to pack his bags, leave and never return. Be with the woman he loves with all his heart. But, then again, he doesn't love her with all of his heart. Because another part of his heart belongs to his son. A boy needs his father, and it would be cruel to take him away from his mother. He already lost her once. And just like that a decision is made. It may not be what he wants. But he knows it's what he should do.
"I wanna be with you. I love you" He states, stepping closer to his wife. He knows it's a lie, but maybe he can make it true. "You once gave up everything to be with me to be a bandit in the woods. And you said something to me once that I should've taken to heart."
As he says this he searches her eyes, his head swimming with memories of the past. Of all of the amazing times they once had. Yet all he sees in hers is... Greed.
Suddenly his memories of there time back in the Enchanted Forest are replaced by more recent memories. When he told Regina that he chose her and then Marian collapsed, when Marian suggested to just let Mr. Gold die, the way that she hasn't been acting her usually kind self. Suddenly he is full of doubt and, even worse, suspicion. "You remember?" He asks, and she nods.
"Of course." She says, and he nearly let's out a sigh of relief, but then she says, "But I want to hear you say it."
"No matter where we are, or what we face, I want too be with you." He replies, not missing a beat, knowing that if his suspicions are correct, he will have to be careful.
"And I meant every word." She replies sweetly.
"And now I understand why. You once gave up everything to be with me and I lost sight of that," he says passionately, yet he cannot help but think of Regina as he says, "You were once my happy ending and I was yours. And we can have that again."
As she nods, Robin lets out a shakey breath, "I thought you were dead. And now that we're back together it's..." Completely ill timed, he thinks, but instead says, "It's a miracle. And only a fool would take back a miracle."
And with a pain in his chest he takes the phone from her hand, and with one last look at Regina's kind smile, he deletes her contact. Yet even as he does he repeats her number in his head. Like a reminder at what he could've had, what he may still have, her number imprints itself in his brain, refusing to be deleted.
He sets down his phone and looks into Marian's eyes, taking her by the arm and pulling her towards him. And suddenly they are kissing passionately. Yet as he kisses her he let's himself imagine that it's Regina, not Marian, that he is kissing. And slowly as he comes back to realty, he notices something is off. Yet he dismisses it, because he knows that the problem isn't that there is something wrong with Marian, it's that he is no longer with Regina. And now, he will no longer be able to hear her voice.

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