"Ava would you put that darn computer of yours away and finish getting ready for school?"
"I'm almost done, mom," I sigh as I make sure everything is good in my video description. "I'm uploading my cover of 18."
"The one by the British boys or the Australian boys?"
I roll my eyes but don't look at my mom. "The British ones. And there's an Irish one. Can't leave him out."
My mom laughs. "Okay then. Are you ready for your test today?"
"Studied for two hours so I certainly hope so."
"And your essay?"
"Six pages front and back, double spaced." Definitely did not proofread though... too late now.
"And your car, it's heated up?"
"You let me park in the garage, so it should be fine."
"Right then. Off to school!"
Thankfully the video posted and I tweeted it just in time for me to leave. I swing my bag over my shoulder, grab my keys, and kiss my mothers cheek on the way out to the parking garage.
I was completely done with this school year and it was only December. Senior year is no joke. It's like all motivation completely disappears the moment it starts. Thankfully, today was the last day before winter break. Then it was two weeks of freedom. My mom and I were going to my aunts house in LA for most of break. It was another Christmas without my dad, who's in the Navy. He's high up on the ranks so we rarely see him.
I arrived at the school and my boyfriend Cole was waiting for me by his car. We always parked next to each other. Part of that was my laziness and not wanting to move from one side of the parking lot to the other to see him. I got out and grabbed my stuff, then locked up my car and walked over to him.
"Hey," I smiled. His hand found mine and he tugged me towards him. "How are you?"
"Good, now. You look hot," he smirked.
I smiled and rolled my eyes as I shoved his shoulder. "Oh shut up."
He laughed and tugged me closer to him so I fell into his chest. He reached down and swiftly connected his lips with mine. Not even five seconds into the kiss I could feel his hands wandering down my sides and towards my butt. I slapped his hands, giving him a warning. Sometimes he makes me uncomfortable. I'm okay with public affection, but only to an extent. Or maybe I just don't want him grabbing me in a parking lot.
"Oi, cut the PDA would you?" A voice broke us apart and Cole glared at her. I nudge him and a sigh falls from his lips. He's being such a grump.
"Hey Lacey," I smiled at my best friend. I didn't know what Coles issue was, he's been extremely needy over the past week. Maybe it was because I was going to LA. It shouldn't be a problem to him though. I go every summer too and we've been together for two summers now, almost at our third.
He's never had a problem with it before. I made a mental note to ask him about it later even though he'll probably insist that nothing is wrong. He acts like I don't know him after so long of dating him.
"Hello, my lovely and talented best friend. I saw the video you uploaded this morning. Those 1D boys got nothin' on you! You're so talented."
"Why thank you," I smiled and jokingly swiped my hair back over my shoulder in a sassy manner.
The bell rang, signalling it was time to head to first period. Cole kissed my lips quickly and stepped back.
"I'll see you later," he said. His tone confused me, it almost was in a warning voice.
"What's up his butt?" Lacey asked with her eyebrow quirked up in confusion.
"Who knows," I sighed. "I'm gonna ask him about it later. I'll see you in a bit."
Fifth period, after lunch.
"Uh, Mrs. E?"
"What can I do for you, Ava?"
"Can I step in the hall for a minute and call my mom? She's called six or seven times and I have a feeling that something's happened."
"Oh, of course! Just take the pass so you don't get yelled at by security."
"Thank you," I smiled.
And that was a moment I was grateful for my lying skills. They're not great, but they work for times like this.
My mom hasn't called at all, but Lacey has been blowing up my phone with texts and calls for a solid five minutes now. Right as the door to the classroom closed, my phone rang again. I quickly pressed answer and brought it up to my ear.
"Lacey, what's going on?!"
"Why have you not been answering? Geez, only took me like forty phone calls."
"Lacey if this isn't life or death I swear-"
"No no no. Let me speak, darling. It is a matter of life or death."
"Then what is it? I should be in class."
"So the song you covered and posted this morning," Lacey started and then paused.
"What about it?" She was starting to irritate me with her dramatic attitude.
"Well, a certain Twitter account with the handle at Harry underscore Styles retweeted the video and tweeted you, and followed you to top it off."
My eyes widened. "You're joking. This is one of your drama club pranks. Am I being punked? Lacey what the hell?!"
"Ava Mae I would NEVER lie about something like this. I know how much you love him and it would kill you if I did that. Go check your Twitter! And then drop out of school, because you my girl, have made it."
I hung up without another word and opened Twitter. My notifications were blowing up and I couldn't see anything from him, so I went onto his account.
Follows You"@Harry_Styles: @MissAvaMae what a lovely voice. Beautiful cover of 18 xxx"
What. The. Hell.

The Opening Act (H.S) {Completed - Editing}
FanfictionThe story of how Ava Mae joined One Direction for the On the Road Again Tour... and then became so much more than an opening act. disclaimer: wrote this when I was 16, it has some cringe moments. also, at the beginning of the story Ava is a minor b...