(No, there will be no part two lol, sorry!)

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Cad Bane sat back in his chair, his feet up on his computer desk. His arms were resting against his chest, and his hat covered his face.

"He should be right over here," Todo said, directing you further into Cad Bane's apartment. You popped your head into Bane's office room.

"Hey, Cad Bane?" you asked. 

He said nothing. 

Todo hovered nervously behind you as you fearlessly came closer to the blue bounty hunter. "So, I'm low on credits and on the hunt for a job position," you continued. "Got anything for me to do?"

Cad Bane's foot shifted atop his other, but he still said nothing. 

You glanced back at Todo to give him a look, but the droid had bailed. You grimaced. Jerk. Probably left me to deal with Cad Bane while he's in a bad mood just so he wouldn't get caught up in it, you thought to yourself grimly, coming up closer to Cad Bane's desk.

"Bane? Is something wrong?" You paused, noticing that now you stood closer to him than you had ever before, outside of stealth missions. However, those were always in tense environments, and you were too focused during them to think about anything besides the task at hand. This close up, you actually got a fairly good look at the bounty hunter.

His hat still shielded his eyes from you. You frowned. Cad Bane got quiet sometimes, but never this quiet. And it was making you worried. For the credits, of course. He was your main employer.

Stepping ever so cautiously closer, now you stood right next to him, and yet he hardly moved a muscle since you had came into the room. Figuring you'd regret this, you took ahold of the brim of his hat and tilted it up. "Hey Bane, I-" You stopped abruptly, shutting your mouth in a second. You could hardly believe your eyes.

Cad Bane's eyes were shut, and he was softly breathing in and out of his mouth. His hands and arms were crossed against his chest, but rose and fell with his breaths. You could swear he was sleeping. That would explain his lack of response. And yet still, to see the best bounty hunter in the galaxy in such a vulnerable state... you felt somehow rewarded to be able to witness such a rare occasion.

Despite this, your bounty hunter mind started getting to work. The amount of money I could make by trapping him and selling him off to the highest bidder could make me rich... you realized, eyes widened as you looked down upon him like he was your prey. That could leave me sitting pretty for years. And all I'd need to do is disarm and handcuff him...

You eyed his holster, but a faint mumble caused you to flinch. You returned your gaze back to his face, which now had a slight frown on it. Finally, you relaxed your posture and sighed weakly. As much as that many credits sounded grand to you, there was nothing quite like working along side Bane. It was an indescribable experience, and really, you wouldn't trade it for the world. Besides, he made sure you got some income too from your combined missions, and it was always enough to keep you alive and well.

You looked at his face again with a pursed frown. You're lucky you are as great as you are, you sighed internally, drifting your hand along the side of his face and partially over the metal contraption connected to his cheek. His hand suddenly came up and slapped your hand away, causing you to shriek in terror and jump back. "Don't touch my face..." he grumbled, opening his red eyes narrowly.

Your face flushed red. "W- You were sleeping, weren't you?!" you sputtered.

He stared at you calmly with still narrowed eyes, then rubbed at his left one. "Mmgh... Yeah, until you touched my face." He eyed you in a studying way that made you suddenly feel awkward and uncomfortable.

"How much can I pay you to pretend I didn't do that?" you asked him. Now a smile cracked over his face.

"You came 'ere for a job, right?" You nodded. He picked up a toothpick from his desk, still looking sleepily lazy but otherwise like his normal self. He stuck the stick between his teeth. "How about a full job but for half your regular price?"

You frowned sadly at the thought of losing half your usual pay for the next mission. However, you supposed it was fair. You had touched the face of the deadliest bounty hunter in the galaxy... and were simply lucky he didn't request you to leave with no job, or something worse.

"Deal..." you muttered in agreement, then straightened. "Well... ah, we can discuss it in detail tomorrow? I best be going." He nodded slowly as you quickly fled from his office.

Only when he was certain you were gone, he lightly touched his face where your fingers had traced along moments before, sighing as he leaned his metallic cheek into his hand.

Well, that had sure been an unexpected way to wake up... He would have to dismantle and rebuild Todo again for letting someone in his apartment when he was asleep. Although... the gentleness of your hand on his face was something he couldn't quite ignore, and it caused him to sit there pondering what exactly had brought you to do something like that anyways.


A/N: Sorry, not sorry for making this exist! I wrote this at like... 1 AM yesterday lmao- Anyways, Cad Bane is really cool, and I felt like giving a oneshot a try. Then I realized there may be a tiny population of people looking for fanfics of him too... so I decided to post it here! And... yeah! If you're someone who was here from my other content and are deathly confused and wondering how in the world I went from Deltarune and Spamton to Cad Bane, let's just say... my mind changes it's main focus fast LOL! I'm rambling now... Have a wonderful day, and take care!

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