Encountered By Phantom

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Valley's POV
I had a job that I had to do it was gathering a lot of files and putting them in order for my boss considering he couldn't do it himself, I swear people just look for a way of them not doing extra work I fucking say I put the number files in order and some in  alphabetical so he can just scan through the files with no problem; not forgetting to mention I haven't met him yet so I'm not quite sure on how he looks like. Could there a reason why he's hiding?

*Ring Ring*
I picked up my phone
"Miss Stonelock would you not mind to stop by my office? Oh and don't forget about the files to bring to me."
I gasped at his voice that was once heard again he has the most sexiest voice in my opinion
"Yes Sir, I'm on my way up!"
*The phone hung up*
I grabbed the box full of organized files in it.

I arrived at his office door and knocked on it.
Until I heard a little quiet voice say "come in"
I opened the door and I was focused on what I was doing, I shut the door behind me and then the box down be side a chair.
"Here you go Sir, I gotten everything organized for you. Need anything else done?" I asked looking at the ground.

"Valley look up at me." He said to me
My legs felt so weak just listening to his voice in person felt like music to my ears.
I looked up at him and oh my god he looked so fucking hot,
His hair was mess up alittle that made him look so much more sexy; his voice was definitely a plus bonus because he is looking yummy.
His sleeves were rolled up to his arms to the point were his elbows were showing and revealed alot of tattoos.
' I wonder how many females got a way with this guy?' I thought to myself.

"Uh is there something wrong doll? you kinda look like you surprised or something." He had asked and put a statement behind his question.

"Ummm no I'm fine I mean i-its fine." I said to him giving him a smiling face to reassured him that everything was okay.

"Okay miss Stonelock whatever you say." He had said
There was alittle bit of silence before he got up and walked close to me, I wish trembling on the inside I wanted to kiss him and have my way with him right then.

"The names phantom I went by Nate because it's very human like, look obviously you like on what your seeing other wise you wouldn't be staring." He said
'very human like' played in my head a couple times, what did he mean by that?

"Very human like? I kinda confused about what you just said, I mean I understand the rest but not that part." I said too him.

"Yeah I'll show you once I know that you trust me but for now." He said as he walked over to me and used his cane to pull me in close as I grabbed on the it.

He had me so close to him that I could smell his scent and I was loving it so much, enjoying his muscular arms I was looking at his chest trying to avoid eye contact.

But then he leans in towards my ear and whispered "I know your desires right now and may I say I very much appreciate you for doing the files, I see everything with in your mind I can tell just by the look in your eyes." He said and used his free hand to rub up and down my back.

"Now tell me how long have you masturbated to yourself by my voice, don't lie to me because I know everything; is it because you want something probably a lot more than once." He said.

I stood there with my eyes closed as he rubbed my back gently, and kept whispering all the things I wanted to hear.

"I have been watching you from the camera in your office and you are truly a hard worker but there was something in the camera that I noticed you always seemed to have some type of toy in between your legs right?" He said

"I.....I .....I don't know what your talking about." My expression looked surprised that he'd even know what it might've been.

"Don't play dumbfounded with me." He said as he walked me to the wall leaving my back hitting it hard but I didn't care how much it hurt, I was pretty much distracted so much that I could feel what pain that was going through my body.

" Please don't play dumbfounded with me Missy I know what that was, I bet your lucky to have a office to yourself. huh? I saw how you get when your aroused especially when I call to ask for something, I saw you blush alittle, alittle of a bright red shade on both of your cheeks." He said.

"After a call I'd hear you say to yourself that you sounds so sexy, and you went back to what you were, talking to yourself saying oh Daddy please take me." He said

"I don- " I was cut off with a punch by the wall I know I should've been scared but it excited me once more.

"Don't lie to me you were talking about me, weren't you? Listen Doll I want to do as much things to you than you would want to do to me trust me, cause after seeing you fucking ride that vibrator like you did, I honestly stayed in my office I stayed to myself for the most part and I watched how you rode the vibrator, I knew that soon I had to show myself to you." He said

I blushed so much I swallowed my own spit and started to breathe alittle heavy.

"And on other days and saw you do a lot of other things when I had you to work over time and I never wanted to fuck someone so bad in my whole entire of generation, until I met you, your voice I'm not going to lie I have masturbated to your voice muitple times as well." He said as he gotten closer to my face.

There was a knock on the door and phantom told that person to come in, to tell him something they saw that he had  me against the wall.

"Sir you have a package here that has your name on it." They said and their eyes looked like they were glued on to me, phantom asked them to leave as he snapped his fingers the guy disappeared and the door shut after.

"Wait how did you-" I was cut off again by phantom putting his finger on my lips as my fear slowly went away and I gave in as I kissed his finger.

"Shhhh just enjoy doll, enjoy Daddy making you feel so good cause I'm taking over and there's nothing that you can do about it." He said.

He started rubbing my chest as I gasped so loud feeling him massage my breasts felt so good, I just kept breathing heavily, until he took one hand slowly raised up my dress bottom his hand rubbed against my thighs.

I grabbed around his neck and started kissing him I couldn't hold it back anymore he drove me nuts, his pretty whispers his voice and with way he did everything I was so gonna fuck him but looks like he read my mind.

Hey my fellow friends and lovely readers I will have a part two to this so don't you worry my lovelies I'll feed your satisfaction of you females out there that are always horny wanting a taste of your favorite celebrities. Lol well update coming up soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2022 ⏰

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