April had approached fairly quickly. February and March were kind of a blur. The boys had started tour early February (right after Harry had left) and their next show was in Asia, then they had the rest of April and all of May off. They would still be working of course, but they wouldn't be traveling.
Unfortunately, my spring break plans with Harry had to be cancelled. Since it was the last part of the tour for now and with my promotional gigs, it just didn't work out in our favor. I wanted to go see him so badly but it just couldn't happen. I felt bad for not using the tickets he paid for, too. Later to find out, he's coming to LA as soon as I leave. Which sucks even more because I can't even see him then. Things just aren't lining up for us. Which is part of the reason I'm scared to bring up what he told me.
My dad was back on his feet completely now. It took awhile, but he's been doing so well. He walks with a bit of a limp, which irritates him, but it's better than not being able to walk at all. What's to come next, none of us know. It's been so amazing having him back at home with us though.
My EP came out two weeks ago and the response was crazy. It had so many sales and did really well on the charts. It was making me even more excited for my album to be done and get released. There was still a ton of work to be done though. It should be done by the second week of May. That gives a month for CD and merchandise production so it can come out on time.
Currently, I'm in LA and Lacey is with me. I have three small gigs in a matter of two days. I'm on the way to one, then I'm stopping by somebody's house before the other one. They're all really small performances, but I know they're going to be so much fun.
The first gig is in a small auditorium. It was a thing where actual tickets were sold and it actually sold out. There was an exclusive meet and greet afterwards too. I'm really excited to meet my fans and put on a show for them. I've never really done anything like this and it was exciting but nerve wracking at the same time.
The venue was cute. It was nice and intimate with the crowd. Lacey is my makeup and wardrobe person for the trip, so I sit and wait as she does what she needs to do. My mind wanders off all over the place. From school, to tour, and to Harry. I missed him like crazy.
The show went quickly and it was so much fun. I loved the thrill of hearing people sing my songs back at me. It was so cool. Meeting my fans was the cherry on top too. They were all incredibly kind to me and it was nice to be able to meet and talk with all of them. With being a YouTuber I don't get the chance to meet my fans and followers a lot. But with this new EP, I can.
After we leave the venue, we head over to our next stop: Tyler Oakley's house.
I can't help but feel a little freaked out by it all. Tyler is part of the reason I joined YouTube in the first place and I was about to film a video with him.
His apartment was adorable and I knew it from the moment I walked in. He offered Lacey and I drinks and snacks and then we got all set up in his living room.
We filmed a Disney Trivia video for my channel and there was so many possible bloopers because of how much fun we had. He was so bubbly and fun that it was infectious. For his channel, we did a Q&Slay mixed with the white girl tag. Again, there were so many bloopers. He's such a fun person to be around. I was scared it would be awkward, since that happens with some collaborations, but it was genuinely such a good time.
We then got on our social media and announced my next gig - a onesie party in Downtown Disney. I got on the onesie Harry got me and Tyler got on one of his many onesies, then we posted vines, instagram videos, snapchats, tweets, and we posted to facebook. The party started at one, and I started my gig at three.
On the way to Downtown Disney, Tyler asked me all sorts of questions. He asked about the boys, my music, and even my dad. It was like he knew everybody with how social he was.
Lacey and I dragged Tyler into the big store before we went to the main stage at the end of the walk. Lacey bought some Mickey Mouse ears for herself since she didn't have a onesie. Tyler vlogged some and then we headed over to the stage. There was already a few groups of people waiting and they all started freaking out.
For about two hours, we just took pictures and videos with people and signed what they wanted. After the first two hours, Lacey and I left Tyler and I went inside the movie theatre to get set up for my performance.
Tyler introduced me, and then I sang some of my most popular covers from YouTube and sang the songs from my EP. It amazed me that people were singing along to my songs. I thought a lot of people came mainly for Tyler but it ended up being a crowd of fans that liked both of us.
Tyler and I sat down on the stage once I got disconnected from my in-ears and let people ask more questions. I got a ton of questions about the boys, but none of them involved relationships so I didn't mind all that much.
The next gig went similar to the first, but it was with a local radio station. They were extremely welcoming and it was calming to be able to sit down and just talk.
By the time I got back to Harry's house with Lacey I was exhausted. I spent most of the night editing the videos I took today, then I had to wait for them to upload which took forever.
With my mind clouded with thoughts, I ended up falling asleep on the couch. That's my life summed up right now.

The Opening Act (H.S) {Completed - Editing}
FanfictionThe story of how Ava Mae joined One Direction for the On the Road Again Tour... and then became so much more than an opening act. disclaimer: wrote this when I was 16, it has some cringe moments. also, at the beginning of the story Ava is a minor b...