Now that the first show was done with, we were on our way to San Fransisco. It'll be the last time I'm home for a few months so I'm going to make the most of it. The boys were going to drive past San Fransisco to Santa Clara and I would be staying with my parents.
Niall, Liam, and Harry were all on my bus because I had brought my record player and a ton of vinyls. The way my bus was set up was there was three bunks in the passing area to the back. Half of the back was a bed and the other half was a living area. There was a TV and a shelf for movies and game consuls, but I had put all my vinyls in there and set up my record player on top.
They were going to give the bunks to some of the dancers or part of the band, but they kept them all together on their own buses. They figured the boys would end up on my bus anyway, so I guess it worked out. The only rule was that they couldn't stay the night in the bus.
"Put on the Ed one," Harry mumbles. He's laid next to me on the bed while Liam and Niall talk on the couch.
"We're going to be arriving any minute now, H. I'm not staying on the bus when we get there, I'm going home."
He pouts. "But it's Ed Sheeran."
"I know, but I wanna go see my family."
He nods. Niall pokes him and a groan falls from his lips. "What?"
Niall cracks up laughing and Liam speaks up. "Are you crashing at Ava's or are you staying in the hotel with us?"
"You can stay if you want," I say and he nods.
When we get to my apartment, Lacey is waiting outside and she practically tackles me to the ground.
"I missed you! How was the first show? I saw videos and you looked totally amazing. I'm so excited to see you perform to all those people tonight! It's going to be absolutely incredible and you can shove it in everybody's faces how awesome you are. Oh my god. Sorry I can't shut up but I'm majorly freaking out!"
"Lacey," I laugh. "Breathe."
She hugs me again. "I missed you so much, it's just not the same around here without you."
"It's barely been two weeks, how are you going to survive without me for three months?"
"I don't know! Let's not talk about it."
I get what I need off the bus and it's sent to Santa Clara with the other three boys. I'd be driving there tomorrow, it was only about an hour.
The crowd was huge. Apparently after seeing videos of the show from San Diego, a lot of people decided to come see me as the opening act instead of coming late.
It was kind of nervewracking to have all of my friends and family there though. The show went on just fine, but knowing they were all watching made my stomach feel all weird. Harry had stood with them during the show apparently, because when I got on twitter while waiting for the boys to hit the stage there were update accounts posting photos of him with my family.
As soon as I got to the section where they were all sitting, I was handed flowers and I went around to hug everybody. My mom was practically crying of happiness. Once the boys hit the stage, I took Raina, Rachel, and Lacey down to the side stage to watch them up close. Opening act perk. I was surprised to see Lacey know most of the lyrics. She wasn't really a fan to begin with but I guess she's looked them up since meeting them.
Of course, with my annoyng YouTube habits, I filmed a ton the entire night. I'm pretty sure some fans will be very thankful for that though; they will get some serious high quality videos. Liam ended up taking my camera and taking it on stage too.
Unfortunately, the next day we had to get up and get going. I was hoping for a little longer with my family but I guess its not the end of the world. We were heading up to Washington for the show in Seattle. I was excited, I've never been and I've always wanted to see the Space Needle. The boys had a thing the day before the show, which is why we had to leave. So I'll have some downtime.
"Ava?" I'm called as I start to walk over to my suitcase where it sits on the bunk.
I turn and look wide-eyed at Harry. "How long have you been on my bus?"
He breaks out in laughter. "The entire time. You went into your little room so I just sat on the couch."
"But my mom said that your managers were keeping you off-"
"I talked to your mum, she said I was allowed to stay on your bus as long as we aren't doing anything that she wouldn't approve of."
"Oh, well then. Come back here," I point to the back of the bus and he stands up.
"No, I need you to open this."
My eyes wander to a box and I raise my eyebrows at him. "What's that for?"
He smiles. "Just come here and open it!"
I roll my eyes and walk over to the box. I lift the lid, ignoring Harry's eager stare.
A little kitten pops out of the box with the cutest meow ever and my heart snaps. I pick it up and look at Harry in shock. "You did not. How long have you had it in there?"
"Only since you walked out here."
I let it crawl so its leaning against my shoulder. It purrs as I pet it and I awe at it. My finger catches on the collar (which is a bowtie, because I'm sure once Harry saw it he couldn't just not buy it) and I look at what caught my finger. It's a little piece of paper thats tied to the collar and has Harry's writing on it.
'I need another parent. Maybe you should be Harry's girlfriend?'
I put the kitten down and wrap my arms around Harry. I kiss his lips and smile. "That was incredibly cheesy and stupid but... yes."
Harry smiles and crashes his lips on mine. Nothing could make me feel happier in this moment. I just got a kitten and a boyfriend. Seriously, what more could a girl want?!
The rest of the night I spend cuddled up to Harry and playing with the kitten while trying to find a name for her. Harry keeps throwing out names and surprisingly I find myself liking some of them.
"We should name her pancake," he says, scratching her head.
I think about it and watch her crawl over my lap and up to my chest. "I like it."
"Yeah," I nod. "Look at her. It kind of suits her."
He kisses my head and his arms tighten around my waist. "We're kind of a strange little family."
"We're a little ohana."
He rolls his eyes but smiles. "Do you have to relate everything to a Disney movie?"
"Somebody forgot their spoonful of sugar this morning," I scowl.
"Go to sleep," he kisses my head and I set Pancake on the little bed Harry had gotten. She snuggled up on it and kicked around the little mouse toy.
I kiss Harry and then bury myself in blankets. He's my boyfriend. The guy I used to obsess over from afar is my boyfriend. And we totally have pet cat named Pancake. And we're traveling the country together.
What even is my life?

The Opening Act (H.S) {Completed - Editing}
FanfictionThe story of how Ava Mae joined One Direction for the On the Road Again Tour... and then became so much more than an opening act. disclaimer: wrote this when I was 16, it has some cringe moments. also, at the beginning of the story Ava is a minor b...