I sat on my bus playing with Pancake as we headed towards East Rutherford in New Jersey. She was hopping around, trying to chase the little toy mouse that I was tossing around her. She'd grown so much in the last month. She still had all of her energy though.
Harry was laid on the couch, his sunglasses on covering his eyes. I'm usually able to tell if he's asleep or not butI couldn't quite tell this time around. He looked too comfortable to disturb. I laid a blanket over him and learned that he was in fact awake.
"Babe, come lay with me," he mumbles.
"If you move to the bed I can but I promised my parents that I'd video chat with them today so I need my laptop on my lap. That won't work well on the couch."
He nods and slowly sits up, tossing his sunglasses aside. Last nights show had really tired him. I don't think he got much sleep when he got on the bus either.
I set up my laptop and lean into Harry's side. We're both laying down, but we're angled up enough to use Skype. I press call by my mom's contact and it rings for a minute before her smiling face pops up on the screen.
"Hi sweetie! Oh, and hello there Harry. How are you both?"
"We're good," I smile. "I miss you though. Where is dad?"
"Miss you more," she pouts. "And your father is currently in a meeting. He's trying to get a job on a base and stay there, that way there's no harm and there's no moving around. He wants to get back to work so badly but the doctor won't allow it."
"Oh. Well send him my love when he gets back, okay?"
"I will darling. What have you been up to recently?"
I shrug. "Oh ya know, I spend most of my day on the bus. But Harry just took me to Chocolate World a few days ago."
"Well that sounds fun! And how is little Pancake?"
I pick her up from where she lays next to me and hold her up to the camera. She meows in protest and I set her on Harrys lap. He runs his hand along her back and she curls up, purrs vibrating her body.
"She's grown quite a bit."
"Yeah, she has," I smile as she cuddles up further to Harry's torso. "What have you been up to, mom?"
"Working, like usual. You know how busy the shop gets during the summertime."
My moms best friend from high school, Tanya, owns a boutique just across the bridge from where we live. My mom works part time while I'm in school, and full time in the summer time when we aren't in LA. Since my dad is home, she decided to stay in San Fransisco this summer.
"How's Tanya?"
"Shes about ready to burst," my mom laughs. "I think that baby is due any day now."
"Does she know what gender?"
"A baby boy," my mom smiles. "Makes me miss when you were just a little thing. Maybe I can get some grandbabies within the next few years?"
My eyes widen as I look at her through the screen. I feel Harry chuckle next to me. "Okay, calm down mother."
"I have a question," Harry says quietly.
"When was the last time you uploaded a video on YouTube? I think your fans miss you."
"Well crap, I completely forgot about uploading. Why do you ask?"
He turns his phone around and shows me the trends on Twitter. #YouTubeMissesAvaMae is the second one down and it makes a frown come over my face immediately.

The Opening Act (H.S) {Completed - Editing}
FanfictionThe story of how Ava Mae joined One Direction for the On the Road Again Tour... and then became so much more than an opening act. disclaimer: wrote this when I was 16, it has some cringe moments. also, at the beginning of the story Ava is a minor b...