Levi x Depressed Reader

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You came in the gates once again.

Your friends had died in the hands of the titans... and you..

"Its my fault... its my fault.. They gave their lives for me.." you say alone in your room.

They were killed because of you!

Everythings your fault!

You should die so they can stop!

Your conscience was really getting you

You looked at your blades, a beautiful arrangement of very shiny blades.

You hand picked the dullest one.

But even if it was the dullest one, it doesn't deny the fact that it would still cut your skin.

You pointed it at your wrist.

"Th-they died because of me.."

You began to cut your skin. Careful not to cut too deep

The pain has completely satisfied you, but your wrist was bleeding.

Its not enough!

Thats not the REAL pain!

Your conscience kept on bugging you and you cutted 4 times.

You breathed heavily while aiding your wrist.


"Cadet (l/n), you will be cleaning the cafeteria." Corporal orders.

You nod and salute, and made your way to the cleaning supplies.

You started with the floor.

The corporal was also there cleaning.

Why would he be here? You thought

The bleach dripped onto your palm, invading your wrist.

You tried to endure the pain but who the hell could not cry because of it.

"Ah.. shit.." you say quietly.

You started breathing heavily while holding your arm.

I can do this..

You thought.

"Brat is there something wrong with your arm or something"

The Corporal walks up to you.

"No sir.." you say, hiding your left arm.

"And do you mind showing me your arm"


The corporal looks at you in confusion.

"Show me" he demands.

"I'm sorry sir, I cannot."

You ran to your room and locked the door.

"Shit.. shit.. shit" you say quietly.

You hear footsteps coming and you dare not make any noise.

"Cadet (l/n) open the door."

You didn't reply.

You hear the shuffling of keys infront of your door.

"No.. please" you whimper

The door opens and the short corporal walked over to you with a death glare.

He pointed at your arm and gestured for you to show it

You refuse.

"Show me or you clean the stables 5 times." He says strictly

"Okay" you would rather clean than show him your scars.

"You do know you need to show me whether or not, brat."

You sigh and defeat as he graps your arm and pulls your sleeve down.

"Why..?" He asks you

"My friends.. they died because of me.. everything is my fault and maybe I should just die.."

I started sobbing.

"Where the hell are your blades"

You point to the drawer and he throws the blades outside the window.

"AHHH!!!! MY EYES!!!" Says a guy from training

Levi poked his head out the window.

"Oh yeah, watch out you shitheads its gonna rain blades"

Screams could be heard as most of the new recruits tried to get inside.

"Ok brat, stop crying, I'm gonna aid them ok"

you nod as he gently bandages my self harm scars.

"See that wasn't so bad was it"

In an instant he hugs you.

"(y/n), don't do it again. I can't afford to lose someone again"

What did he mean?

"Um.. o-okay.."

He pulls his arms away and gently kisses you.

You were shocked not knowing what to do since you had no experience
(Haha sorry XD)

Levi breaks the kiss and you hug him tightly.

"Thank you" you say as you nuzzle your face in his chest.

"I love you."

Wait.. what?

You looked at him with wide eyes.

"What? I love you." He says more casually.

You opened your mouth but you ran out of words.

Instead, you kissed him.

"I love you too" you whisper.

"OHOHOHOHO! LOOK WHO STILL HAS A SPARK!!!" You both turn your heads to the door and see Hanji and Erwin chuckling

"Why.. you..!"

Hanji runs off with Levi chasing her.

"You two make a good couple"

Erwin says as he walks back to his office.

Who knew sometimes depression could lead you to a happy ending.


Hey.. don't believe that ^

Lol ofc you never know maybe your prince charming is actually not there to keep u safe

I donot encourage cutting

Levi x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now