MissAvaMae: orders up!
By the time we were ready to move into New Jersey, my bus still wasn't fixed like it was supposed to be. Harry and I had moved Pancake into their bus and then my things too.
It'd been awhile since I was able to sit down with them for more than an hour or two. I've been spending so much time with Harry that I completely forgot how much fun it was to spend time with all of the boys.
Liam was playing with Pancake and Niall and Louis were playing FIFA, while Harry and I watched the screen as they played. I learned quite quickly that those boys get really aggressive over the game. It was quite entertaining until I grew so tired that I got up to take a nap. I snuggled up into Harrys bunk after stealing Pancake from Liam.
Harry came over and kissed my head before handing me a blanket. He informed me that we had about two hours before we would arrive and he told me to have a good sleep. He shut the curtain after pecking my lips and it didn't take long at all for me to snooze right off.
Niall was the one who woke me up from my nap to let me know that Harry was already taking our stuff up to our room. I met up with a security guard outside the bus and he told me which floor and room to go to. When I got to the door, Harry was opening it and ready to walk out.
"Hi baby girl," he soothes. "How was your nap?"
"Lovely," I laugh lightly and a small yawn comes from my mouth. I wrap my arms around him and he's quick to hug me back.
He snatches my hand and takes me into the room. I change out of my sweats and wash up a little. Harry tells me that we've got plans with Liam and Niall and to grab my vlog camera. Louis was going out with Lottie to explore, so he wouldn't be joining us.
I grab my purse and fill it with everything I need. Harry leads the way to the SUV, where Liam and Niall are already waiting.
We drive for who knows how long and the car ride is filled with lots of laughter and random singing. At one point, Niall and I started screaming Taylor Swift songs while Harry just sat there and rolled his eyes at us.
We eventually pull into a alley that leads us back to a parking lot. I didn't catch the name of the place, unfortunately. We shuffle out of the car and the back door to the building opens.
"Hey, there's the boys! And you brought Ava!"
"Buddy! How've you been, mate?" Liam smiles, shaking his hand.
I turn to Harry with wide eyes. "You seriously brought me to meet the Cake Boss?" I whisper and Harry just smiles at me like I'm a five year old.
"Shit," I swear. "You're amazing."
Harry greets him after Niall does, then I introduce myself to him. He takes us inside and we meet more of the family. I'm in awe as I watch them work. Most of the work is done in a different location, but some of it is done here.
We get to decorate some cupcakes and then he bring in cakes for us to decorate. He gives us all sorts of things to decorate with and then gives us pointers. The TV crew comes in and starts filming and a photographer takes pictures of us. I glance over at Harry, who's deeply focused on piping the edge of his cake. I take a dab of frosting out of the bag and wipe it on my finger. Liam see's me and smiles excitedly. I rub the frosting along Harrys cheek, making him jump back with his mouth agape in shock.
"Ava Mae Gonzalez!"
"Ah, crap. You used my full name. That's never good," I laugh and step back.
"I am going to kill you."
"Aw, c'mon. It's just a little buttercream," I smile. This time I let him pull me towards him and I wipe the purple frosting off of his face with my thumb. He glares at me, but does the contradicting thing like always and licks the frosting off of my finger. He doesn't break eye contact at all and I feel my cheeks tingle with heat.
"Alright you two, enough PDA and not enough frosting on your cakes," Liam scolds. I roll my eyes and step back from Harry.
"To think I was believing that you had grown out of your dad stage," I sass. "Butt out of our business, Payne."
He puts his hands up in surrender as he laughs. We listen to him anyway, and get back to our cakes. After we're all done, we work at the front counter for about ten minutes. They package up some cupcakes for us and then we head out so they can return back to their work.
We go back to the hotel and change, dropping off the cupcakes while we're at it. Louis and Lottie are back and we take two of the cars to go to the beach. Harry and I go in one car while the others go in another. After we're done with our little beach day, Harry will join the others while the car takes me to meet Taylor for dinner.
I continuously asked Harry to make sure it was okay to go out with her. I know it might be really weird to him; having his girlfriend be friends with one of his exes. Taylor and I don't speak of Harry, although she says there isn't any hard feelings towards him. She really wanted to hangout with me (internally screams because oh my god Taylor Swift wants to hang out with me again) and so she traveled from New York to have dinner with me. She said it was an easy commute and that she was thrilled to see me again. I felt bad that she was coming to me since the boys and I were in New York yesterday for their Good Morning America performance, but apparently she wasn't even in New York yesterday.
When we got to the beach, we got some food from a little shop and then went out to find a calm spot to hang out. After a little walking and getting stopped by a few fans, we found a nice quiet place and laid out blankets to sit on. Harry immediately tugged off his shoes and told me to remove mine too. I was thankful that I had worn the shorts I did, since Harry took me out way farther in the water than I thought he would.
After a few hours at the beach the boys headed back to the hotel and I headed to the place where I was meeting Taylor. I was meeting her at some park, where we would walk around until we wanted to go to dinner.
She was sitting on a park bench when I got there, dressed in a super cute pink sundress. She welcomed me in a massive hug and my security hung back while we started our walk.
"So how are you? I feel like it's been ages since we've talked," she says with a smile.
"I'm great. Touring is tons of fun. How are you? How's life running the world?" I tease. Her songs were still massively popular and 1989 came out quite awhile ago.
"God, it's exhausting," she laughs. "Spending time with my cats all day long and ignoring people can be rough."
"Same though. Watching over my little Pancake can be so tough."
"Oh my gosh, I saw pictures of her and she's so adorable. When did you get her?"
"Right at the start of the tour. Harry surprised me with her," I smile.
She nods. "That boy is so in love with you."
"And why do you say that?"
"Well, in the short time I was with him he was super sweet to me but it seemed like we were just friends and it was kind of a weird relationship. But I see articles and pictures about you guys and he's just so comfortable and laid back when he's with you."
"It's not weird that I'm dating your ex, right? Cause I still feel really weird about it," I awkwardly laugh.
"Trust me, Ava. Harry and I are on good terms and it's totally fine. And plus, I wanna be in your wedding."
I slap her arm and scoff. "Oh shut up!"

The Opening Act (H.S) {Completed - Editing}
FanfictionThe story of how Ava Mae joined One Direction for the On the Road Again Tour... and then became so much more than an opening act. disclaimer: wrote this when I was 16, it has some cringe moments. also, at the beginning of the story Ava is a minor b...