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There was a sudden shake and the plane stopped I was the pilot and I tried to save everyone but there was an interference and we were falling hard I managed to make it to an island that was pretty stormy and I couldn't see anymore and we crashed. When i woke up i was amazed that I had not sustain any injuries. I did notice that there was a sound in the distance as if there was a sound of screams.

All I saw was trees and some fruits hanging on the trees. there was a shadowy figure flying toward me as I was shocked I didn't move and let it run at me and bite me really hard. As I fell to the floor it left as fast as it could I could not believe what I saw and when I rose to my feet I noticed that my teeth were sharp and my stomach ached so much so I started running really fast to a pace that I felt like i was floating and as I leaped on to a random pig I sunk my teeth into it and my teeth instantly started sucking the blood off of the pig.
I finished drinking the blood of the pig and I started to think I was a vampire. I kept telling myself no I'm not a monster but the weirdest thing ever happened to me I started to feel my back get heavier and then to big wings came out of me and I was so scared. I kept trying to move them and after a while I started practicing my flying I was pretty fast. after the first month of me being there I had excepted that I was a blood thirsty monster when right past me was another vampire and had pushed me to the side I tried and followed the dark shadow it looked like the thing that bit me a month ago.

As I flew toward it, it flew faster so I used all my energy and brought it down and heard a sudden girl scream from a girl and stopped I looked down and saw the thing that bite me it was a vampire and i saw it change right into a her and I flew down to grab her she was in so much pain I took her to the beach were I was living in smashed up parts of the plane. I tried and aided her back to health I gave her food. She did, finally was able to walk I was able to calm down I said hi my names alecks whats yours she looked at me and said my names emma I have been stranded here for many years and I the last of my kind I could have killed you, but I can only turn one person into a vampire and I need to reproduce. She got close to me and kissed me I couldn't help it I just kept kissing her. That night was like no other we were no longer monsters we were human we were mortals just like that her clothes were off and mine were off too. I'd say that that night was a night to remember. I was happy and I couldn't help but just keep having sex for the next few weeks I was having sex with emma and her sexy body with her sharp teeth. later on we did settle down I asked her why she never left the triangle and she said that she doesn't want to risk being killed because she was different. That night I convinced her to leave the triangle with me we flew far we flew to other islands, but as she feared there were men trying to hurt her I had to protect her. Men came from many places to try and capture us but with my new strength I killed them all no one was getting near her besides me. One night I was getting to our new home in Florida. She was gone emma was gone the house we lived in was trashed and there was a note saying "your next" I dropped my jaw and went flying out the window I couldn't believe it I searched everywhere and I could not find the love of my life.

I flew into a mans house where is she I need to know if she is alive. The man said that there was a mob for her and they did capture and were going to execute her somewhere far away where I could not interfere. I knew that meant that they were taking her to Los Angeles I flew there as fast as I could. I needed to be reunited with emma she was the love of my life and I had to be with here. Once I got to Los Angeles i killed about a hundred men getting to emma I had one goal and that was to save my future wife. Kill him said the man who took my emma I charged at him and and snapped his neck then untied emma and we flew back to florida to our house I grabbed two things from our chest and we burned the house down and went back to the Bermuda triangle and I married emma within a few minutes of us stepping on the island and of course that night was amazing because that night jr. was born and I vowed that I will never leave and protect my family and maybe one day humans will see us as normal civilians who have special abilities and once our son is grown up maybe he will be the start of a new world or will he be more of a savage monster who kills the eats everything in sight I was scared to think more about it he looked more like me but then his ears and teeth definitely made him look like a vampire so we named him Arturo and while he grew up we slowly died and he would soon be a lonely vampire unless he could bite more people and live his life.

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