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Hi guys! This is a fanfic based on the My Little Pony characters, but they're all humans and it's set in the world of Harry Potter. More specifically, Hogwarts. It's mostly going to be focused around the Mane 6, as well as Sunset Shimmer, Starlight, Trixie and Sunburst, although I have created a full list of first year students, which you can see below (oh, and a list of teachers too). Dont worry though, these arent the only characters - there are others too, but I havent put them on the list because they might not be in the same year as the main characters. None of the characters in this story will be OCs or Harry Potter characters; it's only canon MLP characters. Anyways, here's the list! Feel free to skip this list if you want to though - you don't have to read it for the story to make sense.

Twilight Sparkle
Lyra Heartstrings
Marble Pie

Doctor Whooves
Double Diamond
Quibble Pants

Pinkie Pie
Vapor Trail

Bulk Biceps
Cheese Sandwich
Party Favor
Cherry Fizzy

Starlight Glimmer
Trixie Lulamoon
Sunset Shimmer
Bon Bon
Photo Finish

Sky Stinger
Fancy Pants
Hoity Toity

Rainbow Dash
Vinyl Scratch
Lightning Dust
Berry Punch
Night Glider

Soarin Skies
Flash Sentry

Teachers and Staff
Headmistress - Princess Celestia
Nurse - Nurse Redheart
Potions - Zecora
Transfiguration - Discord
Defense Aganst the Dark Arts - Ladybug
Astronomy (and deputy headmistress) - Princess Luna
Flying - Ms Harshwhinny
Charms - Mistmane
Herbology - Mage Meadowbrook
History of Magic - Starswirl the Bearded

I will try to stick to MLP and Harry Potter canon as closely as I can, but I just thought I'd mention that instead of classes being held with two houses per class, I had to make it all the houses in each class. I know it's kind of annoying, but some of the conversations and plot points wouldnt work without all of the Mane 6 in a class at the same time.

Another thing - it was kind of hard finding enough male MLP characters that are the same age as the main characters, and I feel like some of the characters in the list above are a bit irrelevant (e.g. Cherry Fizzy and Caramel), so if anyone can think of any male characters that are the same age as the Mane 6 and would fit in either Hufflepuff or Slytherin, could you comment them? That would be so helpful!

Sorry, that was a lot of rambling. I hope you enjoy this fanfic!!

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