From the lame girl to the popular girl

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Chapter 1- The Beginning

It all started when Bianca told her mom no one likes her.Her mom said don't worry you will make friends some day.Then Bianca was like we will see about  THAT but then two months later people in her school started hanging out with her playing with her and doing all sorts of stuff but none of her friends had known that she was poor. Then she find it was kind of strange for the most popular girls in the school  to be having lunch with her in the cafeteria but normally bianca eats her lunch in the girls toilet.

So she find every was going great for the past weak so she said what if i get a sleepover she ask her mom.Her mom said sure sweedy so Bianca then got some sheets of paper saying you're invited to my sleep over this weekend she told her mom  she is inviting ten friends her mom said sure but it was in the middle of the night so her mom in sleep mode.

In the morning she gave out her invitation and everyone said wow you have a bad handwriting but every then said thank you we will be there.After school Bianca use her school money and went to the FOOD STORE to get some  snacks and drinks for the party.

Chapter 2-The sleepover

Everyone came over ran into to the door screaming because they think it will be the funnest sleepover ever so then her mom came out of her coffin which is her bed and ask Bianca where all of these kids come out.She said I ask you last night and you said sure sweedy.Then her mom said you know I was in sleep mode.Then  all the girls went into her room and scream in  a meaningful way and they all said this is where you sleep and there were ten coffins waiting their for them to sleep and one extra for her.

Her coffin was the biggest so then, they went to the bathroom and said nice at least this is not in a coffin. So then bianca went crying to her mom because the girls hate the coffins.Then at night when they were getting along with the coffin story they had a pillow fight with popcorn in the pillow case everyone said this was the best part so far.

Then in the morning for breakfast they had Blood to drink then they realise she was a vampire then all of her friends asking if your teeth are sharp and all kind of questions her mom said no we crotch vampires which means we are not harmful.Then they went outside playing some games like Frisbee and moral and riding no would of never thought they were vampires.

Then it was time to go home everyone pulled out their expensive cell  phones call their parents and Ashley the richest girl said I will give you a give Bianca for this lovely sleepover.

Chapter 3- The Next Day

Everyone in the sleepover was telling everyone in sleepover was so fantastic .Then Ashley gave Bianca a cell phone which was her first one.It was one of the famous phone in the market then she went home showed her mom and said excellent you made friends. So then Ashley became her best friend  and she bought beds and food  and drinks not as BLOOD and her father renorvated their house ans the lived in a great house.

Then she started getting many sleepovers and parties with cute boys and everything was perfect then Ashley gave them a check to buy clothes and what ever else you want. Ashley then invited bianca to her house and it was the best because it had the biggest pool any house can ever pay to get PLUS they had five maids and it was just fine and so cool.

Chapter 4- Grade 8

So since Bianca was so mature and rich now she was great i her school workshe was promoted to grade eight,from grade seven.All the teacher and principal liked bianca and even her mom got more mature and she got a boyfriend and he treats Bianca really nice and Kern  did not even knew they were vampires.

So one day at school Bianca had a spelling test and she was the only one who got total om the quiz then later on she went to spelling bee competitions and she just won all the time.

So one day her best friend Ashley ask her to go to the mall she was like thank you i will be there.They had so much fun till they went over to the Cinema and after the movie was finish ashley call her dad and said they were ready and Ashley's dad drop ted home Bianca ans went home safely.

Chapter 5- The Finale

Then Kern then ask Cindy Bianca's mom to get married then Cindy then told Bianca you are to invite one friend to be the petal girl and off course Bianca said Ashley my best friend and there wedding held at the Miami Church and the reception was at Kings Hotel one of the most famous hotels in America and they live happily ever after again.

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