Intro/ Author's note

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Heyyyyyyyy, the other one idk what to do but this one came to my imagination lol

Nora Wensie is 17 and babysitts for money, she lives in an apartment in NYC and this is her aesthetic

*Nora Wensie is 17 and babysitts for money, she lives in an apartment in NYC and this is her aesthetic

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She likes to draw for her emotion, likes to read, she can be real good or real bad.

Ace Ford is someone that needs a.....well you'll see/ Here is his aesthetic

He is a bad boy, player, been in jail once from

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He is a bad boy, player, been in jail once from......something, also 17


you will get more information of the characters in the story and different POVs
Have fun (if I started it T^T)

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