Aftermath •[Epilogue]•

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Drake's P.O.V

▪▪▪Six years after the fire...

Damn, it feels like yesterday since the whole fire incident at Freddy's. It almost feels like a dream. But the colour of my left eye and hair remind me that the whole incident wasn't something I dreamt up. After the fire, my hair started turning white again and a few purple streaks started showing up on my bangs. I'll kinda miss my black hair, but not as much as I missed my white hair. And on cue,Mike comes to ruffle it.

"Ah, hey!" I say swatting away his hand.

"I had to get your attention somehow. You zoned out again and I've been calling you forever." He says with a smirk.

"Yeah, okay. What did you call me for?" I ask.

"Breakfast is ready." He says. With that I get up off the couch and head to the kitchen.

When we turned sixteen, Mrs Lategan won the 2 billion dollar lottery and decided to give half a million dollars to each of us when we all turned 18. After that she decided to retire and closed down the orphanage. There weren't any new kids coming in anyway. So, Mike and I decided to move in to an apartment together a year later. It's a really nice apartment might I add. Two bedrooms with bathrooms, a kitchen with a dining area and a pretty big lounge. It's a lot cheaper than a whole house.

"So, what'd you make?" I ask sitting at one of the chairs at the table.

"Pancakes." He says passing a plate of pancakes to me. I chuckle.

"Heh, reminds me of the morning we went to Freddy's." I say taking a bite.

"Yeah it kinda does." Mike says sitting across the table from me. At that moment we get a knock on the door.

"Mr Drake! Your paper's here." I hear the voice say from the door. I get up and walk over to the door. I open it, and find the little girl who lives in the apartment next to ours standing here with a newspaper in her hand.

"Right on cue Milly. I was wondering when you'd get here." I say taking the paper from her.

"I was wondering if you were sleeping for an extra two hours again." She says crossing her arms.

"Y'know, you're pretty sassy for a ten year old." I chuckle.

"Thanks for the compliment." She says.

"Thanks for the paper." I say before she starts skipping away to her apartment. I close the door and sit back down at the table, taking another bite out of my pancakes.

"Such a nice kid." I say to myself.

"So what's today's headlines?" Mike asks passing a cup of coffee to me. I take a sip and open the paper.

"Huh, fuel prices are said to rise again, some guy just broke out of prison, the police are still investigating the fire at Freddy's." I say paging through the newspaper.

"Still? It's been six years since that fire." Mike says surprised.

"Yeah, you'd think they would give up at this point." I say taking another long sip of my coffee. But as I turn the page to read the next headline, I spit it out all over the table.

"Drake! What was that about?" Mike asks from across the table. I apparently got some on him as well. But I ignore him and read through the paper.

"What did you read Drake?" Mike asks concerned. I just smile.

"You're not gonna believe this." I say handing the paper to him. He reads through it and a look of shock appears on his face, which slowly turns into surprise.

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