Creep: PART 1

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"The Twenty second of loneliness
And we've been through so many things .
I love my man with all honesty,
But I know he's cheatin' on me"

10:50 P.M.

As I Perched on the edge of the bed In the dimly lit hotel room, tears continue streaming down my face as I grapple with the reality that Dallas betrayed me yet again by cheating with another woman — this time getting her pregnant.
The hurt and confusion Swirl inside of me struggling to understand why he would continue to hurt me this way. A faint buzz emanates from my back pocket, with a heavy heart , I reach for my pocket, and flip it open. There staring back at me, is the number—
"500" —Dallas' Code.

 There staring back at me, is the number—"500" —Dallas' Code

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Anger and Sadness courses through my veins. In one swirl motion, I silence the device before hurling the beeper with all my might across the dimly lit room. My heart pounded as I watch the beeper shatter in countless pieces reflecting the state of my broken heart.
Exhausted, I sat down onto the plush bed, a sultry smile spread across my face as my gaze landed on the phone perched on the nightstand beside me. A anticipation danced in my chest as I reached out, fingers brushing the cold device, and proceeded to dial HIS number, each beep making my heart race a little faster. The soft rings echoed in my ears until, suddenly I heard that familiar voice on the other end that I know all too well.

 The soft rings echoed in my ears until, suddenly I heard that familiar voice on the other end that I know all too well

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"Hello, this is Michael", his deep, velvety voice sent shivers done my spine.

"Hey Mike, Its Chilli" I paused for a brief moment, my breath hitching in my throat. "Listen, Dallas wanted me to call and tell you that he's eager to work on the final touches of your album, what do you think?"
Michael paused for a moment before responding,
"Yeah, that sounds great. Tell him I'll be there as soon as I can, alright?"
"Of course, no problem." I said feeling relief wash over me. "Talk to you later, bye"

"Bye" he replied before the line went dead, leaving me to contemplate the intriguing conversation we'd just had. With a lingering, sultry movement , I carefully placed the phone back on its hook. Sensuously, I sauntered towards the shower in the bathroom, allowing the warm water of the shower to cascade over my body, rejuvenating every inch of mind and Body.
Refreshed and tantalizingly clean, I slipped into some enticing attire and made way to the studio, exuding and air of seductive confidence.

I cautiously shut the hotel room door, and bam! There stood Tionne. Startled, I jumped at her sudden appearance behind me. "Whoa, my bad. I really didn't mean to startle you like that," she quickly apologized.
" I was just coming see how you were holding up, and to find out if you needed any—" She scanned me from head to toe, her eyes narrowing as she pieced it all together. "Hold on a second, where exactly are you off to?"

I carefully considered my response before offering a seemingly innocent explanation. "Oh, I just need to step out for a bit to get some fresh air, you know, clear my head after dealing with all the drama from Dallas," I said, trying to sound convincing.

Tionne arched an eyebrow and skeptically glanced at her wristwatch. "Fresh air, huh? At 10 PM?" She clicked her tongue and pressed further, "So, who exactly are you planning to meet up with?"

Feeling cornered, I hastily replied, "No one, I promise. I just wanted to be alone for a while."

For a brief moment, Tionne's skepticism seemed to intensify, as she clicked her tongue once more and raised her eyebrows even higher, but only time would tell if she truly believed my words.

Is he cute or what?" She playfully questioned me further, eyes twinkling with amusement.
I couldn't help but roll my eyes in response to her teasing.
"Alright, okay," she eventually conceded, holding up her hands in surrender. "I'll leave you be."
"Just make sure you stay safe out there, alright?" Her tone now radiated genuine concern.
Grateful for her care, I embraced her in a warm hug before stepping out of the hotel building.

11:35 P.M.

While cruising towards the studio, I began to notice faint thuds on the car rooftop, followed by tiny droplets of water streaking down my windshield.

"Perfect" I muttered to myself as gentle rain began to fall.  As I cautiously approached the studio, I spotted a sleek black Mercedes occupying a space in the parking lot — I instantly recognized that Michael was here and inside. Stepping out of my car, the rain intensified, transforming from a light drizzle to a torrential downpour.
Determined, I dashed towards to studio entrance and navigating my way to "STUDIO A". Peering through the glass window, I caught a glimpse of HIM, sitting confidently at the console.


Authors' note: What's going to happen next between Michael and chilli?  Let me know what you think in the comments

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Authors' note: What's going to happen next between Michael and chilli? Let me know what you think in the comments.
Stay Tuned for PART 2 😉

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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