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Bruno hugged his boyfriend. "Hey, Juan."

Juan smiled at Bruno while rubbing the baby bump. "Hey, Bruno. It'll just be a couple weeks then you'll be a dad."

Bruno kissed Juan's cheek. "You'll be one too. You're as much of a man as I am. Maybe more so."

Juan chuckled. "Thanks. Ugh. Why can't I wear my binder?"

Bruno frowned. "I thought I got you a big enough shirt to elevate your dysphoria? Julieta said you can't wear your binder during the pregnancy. Mostly because if you don't take it off, it could hurt you which would hurt the baby."

Juan rolled his eyes. "Okay, my lief. I won't."

"Good, mi amor."

"Juan! Bruno! Get ready! Mirabel's ceremony starts soon," Pepa said, peeking into Bruno's room.

"We're coming, we're coming," Juan insisted.

Bruno kissed Juan's forehead before the two started walking.

~Five years later~

Juan opened the door of the nursery. Mirabel was reading to you.


"Hola, Tío Juan," Mirabel said, closing the book.

Juan sat on the bed next to the two children. "Hey, Mirabel. Hey, y/n."

You smiled. "Hallo, Pa!"

"So, today's the day. The day you get your gift," Juan said, rubbing your arm.

You frowned and looked at the ten-year-old next to you. "What if I don't get one? Mira didn't get one. What if I don't get one either?"

Juan thought for a moment before pulling you close. "Then, you get to stay with Mirabel. And Antonio. And I'll still love you. Gift or no gift, you're my world." He held you close. "Jy is so oulik, my liefie." [Translation: "You're so cute, my love."]

You chuckled. The house brought a clock over. Juan sighed. You held your green ruana close and looked at your dad.

"Come on. It's time." Juan pulled you up.

You smiled weakly as you began walking.


As you walked to your door, you glanced at the people around you. They weren't excited like with other people. Some were worried if you don't get a gift at all, some took a step away from you when you walked past.

"They're cursed. Their dad is Bruno."

"I hope they don't get a gift. We don't want another Bruno."

You ignored them and got to the door.

"Do you swear to use your gift to help our community? To honour our miracle?" Abuela whispered as you touched the candle.

You nodded before walking over to the door. You looked over at Juan and Mirabel. Juan gave you a thumbs up and Mirabel nodded.

You reached out and touched the doorknob. The door glowed and suddenly there was an image of you surrounded by wool. You furrowed your eyebrows, confused by what that means.

Bruno's liefie (reader x encanto) Where stories live. Discover now