Chapter 49

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Skylars POV:

I was Pacing back and fourth in-front of my closet mirror when I heard the door open making me jump

"Babe you ready" Iona asked walking into the closet wearing a long pink dress then went Down to her feet with a long pink sleeved sweater her dark brown hair was in messy waves down her back.

"Yeah I'm ready" i say

"Are you sure your a little sweaty" she said patting off the sweat on my forehead with a tissue

"yeah I'm fine it's just hot in here. Come on we don't want to be late. Where's Noah" i say taking her hand

"He's in the living room waiting" she says i nod in response

Getting outside the party house a bunch of cars are parked in the drive way some on the side of the road and some even in the yard. You can hear music playing from outside the house. me Iona and Noah get out the car and walk up to the house. We knock on the door and Ezra opens it

"Hey sis" she says pulling me into a hug

"Hey" i say hugging her back

"Hi Iona" Ezra says pulling Iona Iona a hug aswell

"Hi my little prince" ez crouches down and hugs Noah

When we walk into the house we're wet with a bunch of brown and pink balloons and a big girl or boy banner. People all around the house some in the living room kids running up and down the stairs. We find Abby and walk up to her

"Hey Abby you did a very good job thank you" Iona says

"Thank you and your welcome" Abby says smiling.

I was reaching for Iona's hand when I felt air I look to my right and see Iona next to the candy bar.

I was reaching for Iona's hand when I felt air I look to my right and see Iona next to the candy bar

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Me and Abby laugh at seeing Iona stuff her face full of candy

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Me and Abby laugh at seeing Iona stuff her face full of candy

"She sure does love her candy" Abby says

"that's the only things she craves besides me" i say with a smirk making Abby scrunch up her face in disgust.

I laugh before going to find Iona talking to some people on the way. Finding Iona over at the brown candy bar.

"Babe slow down on the candy" i say wrapping my arms around her from behind and rubbing her huge belly

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"Babe slow down on the candy" i say wrapping my arms around her from behind and rubbing her huge belly. Iona just turned Four months and her belly is Huge! Honestly I'm starting to think she's having twins.

"Why it's so good" Iona whines

"If you eat all the candy your not going to and appetite to eat food" i say point towards the bar that a whole lot of food

"Skylar" I heard a voice say behind me.

"Michelle" I say Turning around

"Oh my god i haven't seen you in so long" she says pulling me into a big hug. Michelle was my second cousin we were best friends when we were in elementary school but she ended leaving and moving to Utah with her mother and father.

"I know I've missed you" i say and pull back from the hug and see a jealous looking Iona eating candy very slowly while eyeing Michelle.

"Oh Michelle this is Iona and our son Noah" i say before pulling Iona in a side hug and calling Noah

"Hi I'm Michelle" Michelle says holding out her hand for Iona.

"Iona Skylar girlfriend" Iona says Michelle nods before looking at Noah

"Hello there" she says

"Hi" Noah waves at her

I introduce iona to my family and ion introduces me to hers.

walking around the back yard to see kids playing in the water.

Some kids running Around my legs almost making me trip. "God these kids got to go" i mutter to myself.

The screen doors opens and I look up to see my dad which shocks me

"Hey" he says I don't say anything besides pulling him into a hug

"Hey dad" i say quietly

"I met your girlfriend and her son. They are very nice. Oh and congratulations on the baby" he says

"Thank you dad" me and father don't really talk often it's not that we don't like each other it's just we don't talk there nothing to talk about.

(Hours or two later)

"Alright are y'all ready for the gender reveal" Abby yells out everybody yells yeah back.

I smile and grab Iona and Noah's hand before going into the back yard. Abby and Ezra hand me and Iona two powder cannons.

"Alright let's count down from 5" Ezra says stand up next to Abby I see her take Abby's hand which makes me smirk I'll have to ask her about that later

"Are you ready" Iona asks me smiling widely and bouncing on her toes

"Yes Im Ready" i say looking at her before looking at Abby and Ezra and nodding my head






Me and Iona pull the string to the the powder cannons. The smoke shoots up into the air me and Iona look up to see the color. Iona squeal a before hugging and kissing me. I wrap my arms around her and pull her into a kiss.

Noah pulls on my leg pants I pick him up to see him smiling

"I knew it" he says smiling happily

A/n: boy or girl?

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